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10 Maine Leaders Complete John T. Gorman Fellowship

Intensive program strengthens leaders’ capacity to make a measurable difference in the lives of Maine people

PORTLAND, Maine – This month, 10 leaders from across Maine completed the 2019 John T. Gorman Fellowship, an intensive program designed to strengthen their ability to make a measurable difference in the lives of disadvantaged Mainers. This is the third cohort for the program, which was established in 2015 and now includes 32 Fellows.

“Through the John T. Gorman Foundation’s work, we have been privileged to meet many leaders who are continuously seeking to have a larger impact on the communities they serve. We created the Fellowship to help them do that, by building their capacity to make their own programs more effective, form broad partnerships aligned to achieve common results, and use data to assess what’s working and what’s not,” said John T. Gorman Foundation President & CEO Tony Cipollone. “We’d like to congratulate our Fellows on completing this rigorous program, but, more importantly, commend them for their impressive work and results. Our Fellows and the organizations they represent have already made a valuable difference in giving young kids a strong start, building bridges to adulthood for older youth, and helping families succeed – and are now positioned to do even more.”

John T. Gorman Fellows are established Maine leaders in a number of fields – including education, government, and human services – who share the Foundation’s commitment to improving the lives of low-income and disadvantaged Mainers. The Fellowship strengthens their work by teaching Results Based Leadership practices, a model that leverages data, collaboration, and other strategies to make progress toward a population-level “result.” (For example, one Fellow’s result was “All people in Maine hold a post-secondary credential.”) Throughout the program, the Fellows also learn from accomplished leaders in Maine and across the country who speak about their experiences in large-scale systems change.

Setting targets for improved outcomes in the populations they serve, Fellows apply all these tools in real time, reporting on their progress at the end of the nine-month Fellowship and again a year afterward.

The 2019 Fellows are listed below, as well as their organizational affiliations and the population results they are working toward. For more information on these leaders and a list of others who have gone through the Fellowship, go to: https://www.jtgfoundation.org/how-we-work/fellowship-program/.

Chris Bicknell, Executive Director, New Beginnings
RESULT: Youth in Maine ages 12-24 who are experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of becoming homeless will be safe and cared for in their communities.

Gail Cressey, Director of Intervention Strategies, Portland Public Schools
RESULT: All Portland students are successful in school.

David Dorr, Director, Somerset Career and Technical Center
RESULT: Youth in Somerset County are valued and prepared to succeed.

Matt Dubel, Executive Director, Portland ConnectED
RESULT: All Portland students are successful in school.

Kim Gustafson, Scholarship Director, Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship Research Institute
RESULT: All people in Maine hold a post-secondary credential.

Elizabeth (Liz) Neptune, Senior Consultant, Wabanaki Aspirations
RESULT: All Maine Wabanaki communities and their citizens are economically stable, prepared to succeed, while living longer, healthier lives.

Karen Normandin, Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment, Kennebec Valley Community College
RESULT: All community college students will complete a certificate or associate degree.

Misty Parker, Economic Development Manager, City of Lewiston
RESULT: Families in Lewiston are economically stable.

Janet Smith, Regional Manager, New Ventures Maine
RESULT: All Maine families are financially secure.

Tara Williams, Executive Director, Maine Association for the Education of Young Children
RESULT: Every child in Maine has high-quality early learning experiences.

The John T. Gorman Foundation is an independent, statewide Foundation that advances and invests in innovative ideas and opportunities to improve the lives of disadvantaged Mainers. We have four priority areas: improving educational achievement for children; promoting successful transitions to adulthood for vulnerable older youth; helping struggling parents to support their families; and enabling low-income seniors to remain in their homes as long as possible. More information is available at www.jtgfoundation.org.

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