Summer 2020 Foundation News of Note

Fellowship Delayed: Due to the COVID pandemic, the Foundation has made the tough decision to delay recruitment for the next cohort of John T. Gorman Fellowship until 2021. An exact date will be shared in the future. During this time, we continue to reach out to and support our past Fellows, who are doing exceptional work during the pandemic.

Resource Library: the Foundation continues to regularly update its online Resource Library, with articles and reports that hold valuable insights for serving Maine’s vulnerable populations during the COVID crisis and beyond. In addition, with the help of the Carsey School for Public Policy, we are also now posting Maine Data Glimpses, which dive into the data around important issues like the shift to remote learning and recent unemployment trends.

Investing in Minority-Led Organizations: Along with the Maine Health Access Foundation and Maine Community Foundation, the John T. Gorman Foundation is contributing $100,000 to a funding pool for Ethnic Community Based Organizations (ECBOs) to address disproportionately high COVID infection rates among Maine communities of color. Resources will go to 27 community-based organizations, largely in Lewiston and Portland, for testing, contact tracing, and other supports.

Nonprofit Relief Funding: The Maine Department of Economic and Community Development is planning to soon release a pre-application to help them assess fiscal needs among Maine nonprofits and distribute relief funding to organizations. To be notified when the pre-application is made available, sign up with our colleagues at Maine Philanthropy Center.

Newest Foundation Family Addition: Please join us in congratulating Program Associate Alexis Mann, her husband Mike, and son Nat on the latest addition to their family – baby girl Everett Sylvia Sussman!  We wish them all the best and can’t wait to meet Everett (virtually, of course).

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