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Press Herald Op-Ed: Families get long-term boost from support that focuses on both generations

The Portland Press Herald has published an op-ed written by Senior Program Associate Jennifer Beck about using a two-generation approach to support family success amid the pandemic.

“In this new year there is an opportunity for our state to regroup, recover and rebuild – not just from the pandemic, but also from the systemic barriers and siloed responses that have long hampered Maine families. We can better support families with strategies that consider the wholistic needs of the family and how those needs intersect. This is often referred to as the “two-generation approach.” This approach is a nationally recognized model for helping whole families succeed by supporting parents and their children simultaneously. Over the last 10 years, it’s been used in all corners of the state and, thanks to the nonprofit organizations that practice it, has made an incredible difference in the lives of many Maine families.”

Go here to read the full piece.

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