2025 Direct Services Grant Program Open Until March 24. Find out more.


Foundation awards $1.5 million in grants to meet critical needs for Maine people

Grants will help 79 nonprofits in all of Maine’s 16 counties provide food, housing, and other essential services

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PORTLAND, Maine – The John T. Gorman Foundation has awarded 79 grants totaling $1.5 million to provide food, shelter, and other essential services to Mainers in need through its 2024 Direct Services Grant Program.

“The latest numbers show that 42% of Maine households do not earn high enough incomes to cover essential living costs – that includes a third of Maine families with children. The record number of applications we received for this year’s Direct Services Grant Program reflects that incredible need for assistance in securing essentials like food and housing,” said Jennifer Beck, Vice President of Programs for the John T. Gorman Foundation.  “With this year’s Direct Services grants, the John T. Gorman Foundation is privileged to be able to strengthen the efforts of nonprofit organizations across the state who are stepping in to fill those unmet needs in our communities.”

This year, the Foundation awarded half of its Direct Services Grants to organizations focused on food insecurity and housing needs. Additional grants went to fund initiatives that provide health care, legal aid, language assistance, transportation, sexual assault and domestic violence support, and other services.

The Foundation would like to thank all the nonprofit organizations who applied for this year’s Direct Services Grant Program. A list of 2024 grantees is below.

Organization Location Grant Amount Grant Description
Area Interfaith Outreach Rockland $15,000 To provide food, diapers, and fuel assistance to help families in Knox County.
Aroostook Area Agency on Aging Presque Isle $20,000 To support Home Delivered Meals for Older Adults.
Bangor Area Homeless Shelter Bangor $20,000 To provide general operating support.
Bethel Area District Exchange and Food Pantry Bethel $10,000 To provide general operating support.
Caring Unlimited Sanford $20,000 To provide general operating support.
Catholic Charities Maine Portland $20,000 To support the Seek Elderly Alone, Renew Courage and Hope (SEARCH) program.
Center for the Advancement of Rural Living Caribou $20,000 To support the County Area Ride Service (CARS) Program, a volunteer driver program to cover isolated areas of Aroostook County.
CHiP,  Inc. Newcastle $10,000 To provide general operating support.
commonspace (formerly Amistad) Portland $15,000 To provide general operating support.
Community Care Bangor $30,000 To support Community Care’s Shaw House Housing Program for youth experiencing homelessness.
Community Dental Portland $20,000 To support the Access to Oral Healthcare Program, helping provide dental care while improving affordability for those experiencing poverty.
Day One Windham $20,000 To support clients referred in Lewiston, engaging youth through a harm reduction low barrier approach to access essential services.
Eastern Area Agency on Aging Brewer $25,000 To support the provision of healthy, home-delivered meals to homebound older adults in eastern Maine, mitigating food insecurity and improving health and community connection.
Emmanuel Lutheran Episcopal Church – Bridging the Gap Augusta $15,000 To support the Bridging the Gap program.
Family Planning Association of Maine Augusta $15,000 To support the Caring Hands Fund.
First Congregational Church of Waterville,  Maine / Waterville Area Essentials Closet Waterville $15,000 To provide funding for the Waterville Area Essentials Closet.
FootPrints Food Pantry Kittery $20,000 To provide general operating support.
Friends in Action Ellsworth $15,000 To provide general operating support.
Greater Portland Family Promise Portland $20,000 To provide general operating support.
Hand in Hand,  Mano en Mano Milbridge $30,000 To provide general operating support.
Harrison Food Bank Harrison $10,000 To provide general operating support.
Healthy Acadia Ellsworth $15,000 To support increased food access and food justice in Washington and Hancock counties.
Homeless Services of Aroostook Inc. Presque Isle $30,000 To provide general operating support.
Ifka Community Services Lewiston $5,000 To provide general operating support.
Intercultural Community Center Westbrook $20,000 To provide general operating support.
Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine Portland $20,000 To support supplemental diapering supplies for the Maine Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot.
Knox County Homeless Coalition Rockport $25,000 To provide general operating support.
Lake Region Senior Service Bridgton $12,000 To support the Healthcare Access Transportation Program.
Legal Services for Maine Elders Augusta $20,000 To provide general operating support.
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry Ellsworth $20,000 To provide general operating support.
Locker Project Portland $15,000 To provide general operating support.
Lubec Community Outreach Center Lubec $10,000 To support the purchasing of produce, dairy, and whole food options for Food Pantry and Youth Program meals.
Mabel Wadsworth Women’s Health Center Bangor $25,000 To provide general operating support.
Machias Area Food Pantry Machias $25,000 To provide general operating support.
Maine Association for New Americans Portland $25,000 To support provision of trauma-informed and multilingual transportation to immigrant/refugee families to address health and social disparities by connecting people to health and food resources.
Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault Augusta $15,000 To provide general operating support.
Maine Coast Fishermens Association Brunswick $25,000 To support Fishermen Feeding Mainers, enabling fishermen to sell their catch while also addressing food insecurity in Maine.
Maine Highlands Senior Center Dover-Foxcroft $15,000 To support the Helping Hands with Heart/Maine Highlands Integrated Response Network Unmet Needs Fund.
MaineHealth Belfast $15,000 To support the Belfast Public Health Nursing Association Urgent Needs Fund.
Maine Multicultural Center Bangor $10,000 To provide general operating support.
Maine Needs Portland $15,000 To provide general operating support.
Maine School Administrative District 75 Topsham $20,000 To support Merrymeeting Community Adult Education’s expansion of English language classes including Driver Education for English language learners, and to increase enrollment and student progress by partnering with Midcoast Literacy.
Maine Seacoast Mission Northeast Harbor $30,000 To support the Housing Improvement Program.
Mainely Teeth dba Mainely Smiles Portland $25,000 To provide general operating support.
MCH,  Inc. Rockland $20,000 To support the MCH Knox County Meals on Wheels Program, enabling independence at home for food-insecure, older individuals and adults with disabilities.
Midcoast Community Alliance Bath $20,000 To support transitional housing for young adult Mainers living in poverty and experiencing homelessness.
Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter Waterville $30,000 To provide general operating support.
Milestone Recovery Portland $25,000 To provide general operating support.
Neighbors Driving Neighbors Mount Vernon $12,000 To provide general operating support.
New Beginnings Lewiston $20,000 To provide general operating support.
New England Arab American Organization Portland $25,000 To support the Our Bridge program, providing emergency assistance for immediate needs to New Mainer families.
New Hope Midcoast Rockland $25,000 To support safe and stable sheltering for survivors of domestic abuse.
Next Step Domestic Violence Project Ellsworth $20,000 To provide general operating support.
Northern Lighthouse Inc. Presque Isle $30,000 To provide general operating support.
Oasis Free Clinics Brunswick $25,000 To provide general operating support.
Penobscot Community Health Care Bangor $25,000 To support Helping Hands for Health mini-grants, an extension of the Community Care Partnership of Maine’s Theresa Bray Knowles Gaps in Care Fund.
Penquis C.A.P., Inc. Bangor $20,000 To provide housing assistance and basic needs for survivors of human trafficking.
Piscataquis Regional Food Center Dover-Foxcroft $30,000 To provide general operating support.
Preble Street Portland $30,000 To provide general operating support.
Promise Early Education Center Lewiston $5,000 To support the Promise Food Pantry’s supplying of personal hygiene items and cleaning supplies.
Rangeley Health and Wellness Rangeley $20,000 To address food insecurity in Northern Franklin and Oxford County by delivering essential food support to vulnerable residents.
River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition Rumford $10,000 To provide general operating support for the Old School Food Pantry, a project of River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition.
Rural Community Action Ministry Leeds $17,000 To provide general operating support for homeless and hunger prevention services.
Safe Voices Auburn $30,000 To support the Emergency Sheltering Project, providing survivors of domestic abuse, sex trafficking, and sexual exploitation in Androscoggin,  Franklin, and Oxford Counties with safe shelter.
Saint Andre Home Bangor $25,000 To support CourageLIVES in addressing the basic needs of survivors of human trafficking, exploitation, and related abuse and their families.
Seeds of Hope Neighborhood Center Biddeford $25,000 To provide general operating support.
Southern Maine Agency on Aging Biddeford $15,000 To support case management services to improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable older adults in Southern Maine.
St. Luke Food Pantry Portland $10,000 To provide general operating support.
Table of Plenty Berwick $10,000 To provide general operating support.
The Drop-in Center Auburn $5,000 To provide general operating support.
The Root Cellar Lewiston $25,000 To provide general operating support.
Trinity Jubilee Center Lewiston $15,000 To provide general operating support.
Unitarian Universalist Association Sanford $10,000 To support Corner Cupboard’s provision of non-food household items such as cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items to families.
United Recovery Fund Portland $15,000 To support individuals in early recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) and reentry from jail and prison, through housing, transportation to work, and basic needs such as food and clothing.
Unity Barn Raisers Unity $15,000 To provide general operating support to Waldo County Bounty.
Veterans Inc. Worcester $25,000 To provide operating support for Veterans Inc.’s Lewiston Maine programming.
Wabanaki Public Health and Wellness Inc. Bangor $10,000 To support the purchase of essential supplies for recovery programs and detox residents: clothes, hygiene products, and meals.
Waterville Area Soup Kitchen Waterville $15,000 To provide general operating support.
Winthrop Food Pantry Winthrop $19,000 To provide general operating support.


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