2025 Direct Services Grant Program Open Until March 24. Find out more.

Lewiston Receives Transformational Grant. What Happens Now?

Recent news that Lewiston will receive a $30 million grant to build new housing and strengthen community resources in the Tree Streets Neighborhood is cause for celebration. But in many ways, the work has just begun to transform this neighborhood into a place where all residents can thrive. This article offers an overview of the impact this funding will have and shares insight into where assistance is still needed.

Analysis: Strategies for Rebuilding and Strengthening Maine’s Child Care System

The pandemic revealed the fragility and weaknesses of many of our society’s most critical systems – including a child care system that was already operating on razor thin margins and unable to meet demand. With many pandemic restrictions now lifted, challenges remain for providers and families. But there is also opportunity to rebuild the child care system in a way that works better for Maine families. In this analysis, Foundation Senior Program Associate Jennifer Beck, Ph.D., highlights efforts already underway that offer promising routes forward.

VIDEO: Alumni Offer Perspectives on John T. Gorman Fellowship

As the Foundation accepts applications for the fourth cohort of the John T. Gorman Fellowship, it held a virtual information session where four alumni offered their perspectives on how the program has shaped their work and took questions from prospective applicants. The info session also included an overview of the program by Foundation President & … Read more

Pandemic is Revelatory Moment for Preble Street

Preble Street has a long history of responding and adapting to emergencies in the community, and the pandemic has been no exception. Many elements of their operation have had to change in order to safely serve those experiencing homelessness. But as challenging as this time has been, said Executive Director Mark Swann, it’s also been what Preble Street needed to discover new approaches to improving outcomes for its most vulnerable clients.

Confronting a Mental Health Crisis for Youth in Maine

Youth already faced numerous mental health challenges before the pandemic, and this year of stress, disengagement, and isolation has only worsened the situation. In response, the Foundation awarded $250,000 to 11 organizations helping youth through this difficult time. Here’s what three grantees had to say about what youth need right now, and how their organizations have overcome the constraints of the pandemic to provide support.

May 19 Discussion on Equity in Wealth & Asset Development

Next week, May 18-20, the Maine Philanthropy Center is hosting its biennial conference, with the theme being “Centering Equity: Shifting Power, Building Community.” From the keynote speakers to the breakout sessions, it promises to be three days of rich and important discussion on opportunities to advance equity in Maine. The John T. Gorman Foundation is … Read more

Foundation Awards $250,000 to in Response to Rising Youth Mental Health Concerns

The John T. Gorman Foundation has awarded 11 grants totaling $250,000 to help Maine organizations increase mental health, wellness, and community support opportunities for older youth during the pandemic. The funding comes in response to rising concerns about the well-being of young adults, who are suffering from the mental health effects of the prolonged pandemic … Read more