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Kaylene Mitchell

(Former role) Dean of Enrollment and Student Success

Southern Maine Community College

At SMCC, Kaylene served on the President’s executive team, and was tasked with making student success the central priority in every college effort, budget and innovation. Previously, she served as Dean of Advancement for the institution. Kaylene worked in the Maine Legislature as the Special Assistant to the Speaker of the Maine House and as Communications Director for the Maine House Majority. She has served as a founder, President, and Executive Director of Emerge Maine, a non-profit organization dedicated to training and inspiring women political candidates. Kaylene earned her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Southern Maine and a Master in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

After completing the Fellowship, Kaylene went on to become Program Associate at the John T. Gorman Foundation and is now an independent consultant focusing on Results Based Accountability (RBA), including acting as co-faculty to the John T. Gorman Fellowship and providing technical assistance to its Fellows.