New Data Brief Shows Gaps in Maine Families’ Access to Transportation

Colin O’Neill

(Former role) Associate Commissioner

Maine Department of Corrections

As Associate Commissioner, Colin is responsible for all juvenile field services, including all contracted community programs and treatment services, and assists in directing all treatment programming in both adult and juvenile facilities.  Prior to this position, he was the Assistant Director of Treatment where he managed juvenile field services and assisted in directing treatment services for the department. He also served as the Regional Correctional Administrator for the Maine Division of Juvenile Field Services (Region 1) where he oversaw intake, assessment, case planning and supervision for all pre-and post-adjudicatory youth in Cumberland and York Counties.

For more than ten years he worked at Long Creek Youth Development Center, first as a Mental Health Program Coordinator and then as the Deputy Superintendent of Treatment programs where he directed all aspects of medical, mental and behavioral health and substance abuse treatment for youth in the facility.  Colin also spent 5 years at the Opportunity Farm/Wayfarer School as a clinical social worker providing counseling to boys ages 9-18.

He has served on the Restorative Justice Institute Board of Directors, the Opportunity Farm for Boys and Girls Board of Directors, and the Yarmouth Community Services Advisory Board.  He also spends time providing services to patients and families through the Cleft Palate Clinic of Southern Maine.  He has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from St. Lawrence University and a Master in Social Work from the University of New England.

Since completing the Fellowship, Colin has taken the role of Chief Clinical Officer at Tri-County Mental Health Services.