2025 Direct Services Grant Program Open Until March 24. Find out more.

Grants & Giving


The John T. Gorman Foundation invests in comprehensive strategies and initiatives that seek to improve the well-being and resiliency of Maine children by ensuring that they and their caregivers have the tools and supports needed to be successful.

The bulk of our investments are invitation-only to grantees that have demonstrated a capacity for whole-family or two-generation approaches to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and improve child and family wellbeing in five key areas: education, social capital, physical/mental health, wealth and assets, and employment navigation and supports. 

We generally do not fund unsolicited proposals; however, organizations are welcome to contact us with ideas that are aligned with our strategic focus. Please contact info@jtgfoundation.org with a brief description of your proposal, including the issue you are seeking to address, approach (including rationale), and cost of implementation.


The Direct Services Grant Program (DSGP) provides funding to non-profit organizations who provide supports and services addressing the immediate basic needs of people in Maine who are experiencing the adverse effects of poverty.  Eligible programs and organizations are those that address or connect people to supports – such as food, shelter, clothing, physical and mental health, transportation, English language classes, domestic violence, case management support, etc.

The DSGP awards both program/project funding and general operating support. General operating support grants are limited to those organizations whose sole mission is to serve Maine residents who are experiencing poverty.

NOTE: The 2025 Direct Services Grant Program application period is open until Monday, March 24 at 5 p.m. More information here.

If you have an existing Foundation grant and would like to access your reporting forms and past applications, you may do so here.