2025 Direct Services Grant Program Open Until March 24. Find out more.

Foundation-Initiated Grants

The bulk of our investments are invitation-only to grantees that have demonstrated a capacity for whole-family or two-generation approaches to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and improve child and family wellbeing in five key areas: education, social capital, physical/mental health, wealth and assets, and employment navigation and supports. 

Below please find a database of our past grants.

Year Organization Award Description Location
2024Adoptive and Foster Families of Maine, Inc.$100,000To build the capacity of the Kinship Navigator Program, bolstering the resources available to families who live in rural areas of the state.Bangor, ME
2024Aroostook County Action Program$10,000To support participation in a project to gather qualitative information about how organizations in Maine are using two-gen and whole family approaches.Presque Isle, ME
2024Aspen Institute$100,000To partner with The Aspen Institute's Ascend Network as they collaborate with, inform, and support the Foundation's two-generation approaches.Washington, DC
2024Auburn School Department$125,000To pilot trauma-informed programming to bolster academic and social outcomes for students at the Franklin School.Auburn, ME
2024Bangor Housing Development Corporation$260,000To support Moving Families Forward, a two-generation approach which combines economic supports to parents, parent capacity building and educational and social-emotional learning to improve outcomes for parents and children simultaneously.Bangor, ME
2024Bangor Housing Development Corporation$36,000To support Moving Families Forward participants in academic and career exploration, as well as drivers education.Bangor, ME
2024Boys and Girls Club of Bangor$241,000To support Moving Families Forward, a two-generation approach which combines economic supports to parents, parent capacity building and educational and social-emotional learning to significantly improve outcomes for parents and children simultaneously.Bangor, ME
2024Boys and Girls Club of Bangor$75,000To increase behavioral health support for children attending the Boys & Girls Club of Bangor.Bangor, ME
2024Children's Center Early Intervention and Family Support$25,000To support the development and implementation of a caregiver/family support program that delivers an Adverse Childhood Experiences curriculum with education and supports related to the effects of generational childhood trauma.Augusta, ME
2024Coastal Enterprises, Inc.$150,000To expand the Child Care Business Lab in areas of Maine that demonstrate the greatest need for child care, and to deliver a Child Care Worker Training program to three organizations and/or providers.Brunswick, ME
2024Community Concepts$75,000To support the Maine Resiliency Center and their efforts to address mental health and other concerns in the community in the wake of the mass violence events in Lewiston.Lewiston, ME
2024Community Concepts$10,000To support participation in a project to gather qualitative information about how organizations in Maine are using two-gen and whole family approaches.Lewiston, ME
2024Cross Cultural Community Services$50,000To support the development of a survey tool to be used to better understand outcomes and barriers for immigrant and refugee populations in the areas of health, housing, and education.Portland, ME
2024Downeast Community Partners$10,000To support participation in a project to gather qualitative information about how organizations in Maine are using two-gen and whole family approaches.Ellsworth, ME
2024Eastern Maine Community College$38,000To support delivery of an Industry Exploration Training for two cohorts of individuals participating in Moving Families Forward and residing in Bangor Housing.Bangor, ME
2024Educate Maine$300,000A two-year grant to support an effort to strengthen the teacher pipeline by piloting credentialing navigation and professional development resources for aspiring and emergency certified teachers in high-need and rural school districts.Portland, ME
2024Educate Maine$21,000To provide evaluation support for two pilots delivered by Lewiston Public Schools in partnership with Tree Street Youth that aim to address the academic and social emotional needs of youth.Portland, ME
2024Educate Maine$25,000To provide support for Educate Maine’s work co-leading the Right from the Start Coalition.Portland, ME
2024Franklin County Childrens Task Force$220,000A two-year grant to expand and strengthen support for student parents and their families using a two-generation approach.Farmington, ME
2024Healthy Acadia$150,000To provide services and supports that improve the health outcomes of mothers with substance use disorder, primarily in Washington County and the Passamaquoddy Nations.Ellsworth, ME
2024Healthy Neighborhoods$75,000To support Healthy Neighborhood's community engagement efforts in Lewiston’s Tree Streets neighborhood.Lewiston, ME
2024In Her Presence$50,000To provide general operating support.Westbrook, ME
2024Jobs For The Future Inc$240,000A two-year grant to expand and strengthen support for student parents and their families using a two-generation approach.Boston, MA
2024Kennebec Valley Community Action Program$30,000To provide supports to people living in Somerset County with low incomes in areas related to transportation, child health and safety resources, and general basic needs.Waterville, ME
2024Kennebec Valley Community Action Program$10,000To support participation in a project to gather qualitative information about how organizations in Maine are using two-gen and whole family approaches.Waterville, ME
2024Lewiston Public Schools$345,000To support Lewiston Public Schools in piloting programs in partnership with Tree Street Youth that deliver academic and social-emotional support to youth in Lewiston Middle and High Schools.Lewiston, ME
2024Lurie Childrens Hospital of Chicago$240,000To provide support to Lurie Children's Hospital to support the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System for Dads initiative in Maine.Chicago, IL
2024Maine Association for the Deaf$5,000To fund ASL interpreter stipends as part of recovery efforts for the Lewiston community.Yarmouth, ME
2024Maine Association For The Education Of Young Children (MaineAEYC)$25,000To provide support for MAEYC's work co-leading the Right from the Start Coalition.Augusta, ME
2024Maine Cancer Foundation$150,000To support the John T. Gorman Cancer Fund, which funds organizations and programs that are working to reduce cancer incidence and mortality in Maine and/or to support cancer patients.Falmouth, ME
2024Maine Cancer Foundation$100,000To support transportation costs associated with the John T. Gorman Cancer Fund, which supports cancer patients in Maine.Falmouth, ME
2024Maine Childrens Home For Little Wanderers$220,000A two-year grant to expand and strengthen support for student parents and their families using a two-generation approach.Waterville, ME
2024Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence$100,000To provide general operating support to the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence.Augusta, ME
2024Maine Community Foundation$20,000To support Maine Community Foundation's Leadership Learning Exchange for Equity program.Portland, ME
2024Maine Community Integration$250,000A two-year grant to improve and expand access to early intervention services for children and their caregivers in the Lewiston-Auburn region.Lewiston, ME
2024Maine Department of Health and Human Services$14,265To support an external grant writer for a federal funding opportunity.Augusta, ME
2024Maine Equal Justice$50,000To support Maine Equal Justice's efforts to reduce child poverty and increase economic security and mobility for families with children.Augusta, ME
2024Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services$30,000To support for the Circles of Care program in order to reach more youth (and their families) in need of assistance and wrap-around support services due to exclusionary discipline practices.Lewiston, ME
2024Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services$75,000To provide general operating support, enabling capacity-building, staff retention, and whole family services for immigrant and refugee families in Lewiston.Lewiston, ME
2024Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services$10,000To support participation in a project to gather qualitative information about how organizations in Maine are using two-gen and whole family approaches.Lewiston, ME
2024Maine Medical Center$42,000To support the construction of an outdoor playset for the children of incarcerated mothers to utilize during visits to the Southern Maine Re-Entry Center.Portland, ME
2024Maine State Housing Authority$38,000To provide support for evaluation of a lead paint interim control pilot program that helps families stay in their homes until permanent abatement measures are implemented.Augusta, ME
2024National Trust for Local News$25,000To support the Maine Trust for Local News in digitally publishing and distributing six articles with the goals of raising awareness about underreported issues Maine children and families face, as well as possible strategies to address them.Englewood, CO
2024Partners for Rural Impact$22,724To provide support to grantee attendees of the Northern New England Rural Summit.Berea, KY
2024Penquis C.A.P., Inc.$10,000To support participation in a project to gather qualitative information about how organizations in Maine are using two-gen and whole family approaches.Bangor, ME
2024Prosperity ME$100,000To support predevelopment expenses for an affordable multifamily rental housing development and to support clients who need financial intervention to prevent homelessness.Portland, ME
2024Raise-Op Housing Cooperative$50,000To provide general operating support.Lewiston, ME
2024Safe Families for Children Alliance$35,000To provide program support to the Maine chapter of Safe Families for Children.Topsham, ME
2024Sanford Public Schools$235,000To support the Empowering Families, Elevating Early Learners initiative, an 18-month pilot aimed at strengthening family-school connections, supporting academic and social-emotional growth, and preventing housing instability or homelessness.Sanford, ME
2024Somerset Career & Technical Center$30,000To support a pilot project among Somerset Career & Technical Center (SCTC), Kennebec Valley Community College (KVCC) and GoMaine to increase the availability of reliable transportation through a rideshare platform.Skowhegan, ME
2024Sunrise County Economic Council$220,000A two-year grant to expand and strengthen support for student parents and their families using a two-generation approach.Machias, ME
2024Sunrise Opportunities$100,000To provide general operating support for Community Caring Collaborative to advance two-generation approaches, trauma-informed practices and policies, and system level changes that promote family economic mobility in Washington County and in Maine.Machias, ME
2024The Opportunity Alliance$10,000To support participation in a project to gather qualitative information about how organizations in Maine are using two-gen and whole family approaches.South Portland, ME
2024The Root Cellar$250,000To support the Root Cellar in expanding its physical space to meet the rising demand for community and youth programming and affordable housing in the Tree Streets neighborhood.Lewiston, ME
2024Trekkers, Inc.$450,000A two-year grant to support the MidCoast Community Collaborative in piloting a traveling early childhood intervention team to deliver early intervention and prevention services to children and families in Knox and Lincoln counties.Rockland, ME
2024United Way of Southern Maine / formerly United Way of Greater Portland$140,000To support the ALICE education and awareness campaign's goals to build community engagement and advance policy solutions for Maine families. Additionally, support for Women United's programmatic work in York County.Portland, ME
2024United Way of Tri-Valley Area$30,000To provide support for the Don’t Despair Car Repair program, a creative approach to a transportation challenge experienced by workers and families in rural Maine.Farmington, ME
2024Waldo Community Action Partners$10,000To support participation in a project to gather qualitative information about how organizations in Maine are using two-gen and whole family approaches.Belfast, ME
2024Westbrook Housing$50,000To provide support for an educational public relations and marketing campaign that changes the narrative on housing and builds support for affordable housing for all Maine people.Westbrook, ME
2024Western Maine Community Action$10,000To support participation in a project to gather qualitative information about how organizations in Maine are using two-gen and whole family approaches.East Wilton, ME
2024York County Community Action Corporation$10,000To support participation in a project to gather qualitative information about how organizations in Maine are using two-gen and whole family approaches.Sanford, ME
2024Youth and Family Outreach$40,000To support childcare access for families residing at Frances Warde.Portland, ME
2023American National Red Cross$26,000To provide support following a fire at a 50-unit low-income senior housing facility in Waterville, Maine that displaced all residents.Portland, ME
2023Avesta Housing$51,000To provide support for the West End Resident Services Coordinator.Portland, ME
2023Bangor Housing Development Corporation$260,000To support Moving Families Forward, a two-generation approach which combines economic supports to parents, parent capacity building, child development, and educational and social-emotional learning to significantly improve outcomes for parents and children simultaneously.Bangor, ME
2023Bethel Area District Exchange and Food Pantry$15,000To provide general operating support as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Bethel, ME
2023Boys And Girls Club Of Bangor$241,000To support Moving Families Forward, a two-generation approach which combines economic supports to parents, parent capacity building, child development, and educational and social-emotional learning to significantly improve outcomes for parents and children simultaneously.Bangor, ME
2023Catholic Charities Maine$35,000To support Aroostook County food programs as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Portland, ME
2023Centre Street Congregational Church / Machias Area Food Pantry$25,000To support the general operations of the Machias Area Food Pantry as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Waterville, ME
2023City of Lewiston$50,000To support a grant program designed to facilitate the opening of new child care centers in existing buildings, providing them with needed financial resources to address building and safety upgrades to meet code standards.Lewiston, ME
2023City of Lewiston$185,000To provide support for CHOICE communications strategy and a neighborhood coordinator position.Lewiston, ME
2023Common Unity Place$10,000To provide general operating support as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Skowhegan, ME
2023Community Concepts$50,000To support the efforts to address mental health and other concerns in the community in the wake of the mass violence events in Lewiston.Lewiston, ME
2023Council For A Strong America$25,000To support Council for a Strong America's work co-leading the Right From The Start Coalition.Topsham, ME
2023Eastern Maine Community College$54,000To provide support for the Industry Exploration Training for 25 participants at Bangor Housing. The 12-week project will help guide participants in the appropriate industry and identify a pathway to a career that could include education and/or additional training.Ellsworth, ME
2023Entrepreneurship For All$50,000To provide match funding as part of a Prime Ecosystem grant, awarded to expand inclusive entrepreneurship opportunities in three metro areas: Lewiston/Auburn, Bangor, and Portland.Lowell, ME
2023Fish River Rural Health$15,000To support Aroostook County food programs as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Eagle Lake, ME
2023Foundations Inc$25,000To provide support for the Campaign for Grade Level Reading's Learning and Engagement Opportunity series.Mt. Laurel, ME
2023Franklin County Childrens Task Force$25,000To provide barrier removal funds for parents who are pursuing necessary academic or technical coursework that advances their identified career goals and objectives.Farmington, ME
2023Full Plates Full Potential$105,000To increase access to and awareness of summer meals for children and families, including a pilot with three rural meal sites to expand summer enrichment programming for youth, meal delivery, and grab-and-go opportunities as well as a statewide public service announcement promoting summer meal site location and availability.Brunswick, ME
2023Girl Scouts of Maine$77,000To provide afterschool programming to girls and families in the West End.South Portland, ME
2023Good Sheperd Food Bank$150,000To support the Youth and Family Initiatives program, which expands access to nutritious food for Maine children and families experiencing food insecurity, with a focus on meeting the nutritional needs of children during the times they are most likely to experience hunger: after school, weekends, school vacations, and during the summer.Auburn, ME
2023Healthy Acadia$56,000To undertake planning efforts to better understand housing needs for families with young children in Washington County.Ellsworth, ME
2023Healthy Acadia$125,000To support operation of the Safe Harbor Recovery Home for Women and Children as well as PROSPER, funding for which is specific to hire members of the Passamaquoddy Nations to serve as Community Health Navigators for women experiencing substance use disorder.Ellsworth, ME
2023Healthy Homeworks$150,000To support the first-time homeowner condo pilot for aspiring homeowners in Lewiston.Lewiston, ME
2023Healthy Neighborhoods$75,000To support Healthy Neighborhood's community engagement efforts in Lewiston’s Tree Streets neighborhood.Lewiston, ME
2023Heart of Maine Resource Center$10,000To support food programming as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Dexter, ME
2023In Her Presence$135,000To support Mother’s Circles programming with trained Maternal and Child Health Community Influencers, and to extend learnings, messaging, and programming into the wider immigrant community with the overall goal of improving maternal health outcomes for pregnant immigrant women.Westbrook, ME
2023Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber Of Commerce Foundation$100,000To support a needs assessment and pilot of employer-driven transportation solutions that increase access to consistent, reliable, and stable transportation across the Lewiston-Auburn metropolitan region.Lewiston, ME
2023Lewiston Public Schools$100,000To provide support for the emergent needs and well-being of students, staff, teachers, and the Lewiston community in the wake of the recent mass violence events.Lewiston, ME
2023Maine Association For The Education Of Young Children$35,000To support the expansion of the T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship program, which collaborates with early childhood educators, higher education institutes, childcare centers, and family child care programs to offer scholarships and supports that improve the knowledge and compensation of early childhood educators.Augusta, ME
2023Maine Cancer Foundation$150,000To support the John T. Gorman Cancer Fund, which funds organizations and programs that are working to reduce cancer incidence and mortality in Maine and/or to support cancer patients.Falmouth, ME
2023Maine Childrens Alliance$345,000Three-year grant to support MCA’s leadership and backbone support of the Maine Child Welfare Action Network, to include dedicated staff time to coordinate action on Network goals as well as organizational support for communications, management, and KIDS COUNT research and data.Augusta, ME
2023Maine Coalition To End Domestic Violence$150,000To support general operations and to help survivors throughout the state with critical basic needs expenses associated with establishing freedom and independence through the Liberation Fund.Augusta, ME
2023Maine Community Foundation$250,000To support the Lewiston-Auburn Area Relief Fund: Victims and Families.Portland, ME
2023Maine Equal Justice$50,000To support Maine Equal Justice's efforts to reduce child poverty and increase economic security and mobility for families with children.Augusta, ME
2023Maine Immigrant & Refugee Services$25,000To expand the role of the project manager who manages the Circles of Care program in order to reach more youth (and their families) in need of assistance and wrap-around support services due to exclusionary discipline practices.Lewiston, ME
2023Maine Immigrant & Refugee Services$100,000To provide support for increased capacity to deliver whole family coaching services.Lewiston, ME
2023Maine Immigrants Rights Coalition$5,000To provide outreach support to BIPOC led and serving organizations applying to the Direct Services Grant ProgramPortland, ME
2023Maine Seacoast Mission$25,000To support Washington County food programs as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Northeast Harbor, ME
2023Mainehealth$600,000A three-year grant to support the Supporting Families Growing Together initiative, which uses a trauma-informed, resilience-building approach to promote healthy development and school readiness and to increase protective factors for young children through placing Early Childhood Support Specialists in primary care office settings.Portland, ME
2023Mainehealth$25,000To support the Food Pantry at Stephens Memorial Hospital as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Norway, ME
2023Mainehealth$292,000To work in partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Southern Maine to increase access to mental health supports to children.South Portland, ME
2023Mainehealth$180,000To provide support for a Maternal Resource Navigator position supporting vulnerable pregnant and postpartum women and infants.Portland, ME
2023Milestone Recovery$100,000To support the expansion of medically monitored withdrawal beds.Portland, ME
2023MSAD 54 / Somerset Career & Technical Center$30,000To support SCTC's food pantry expansion and operations as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Skowhegan, ME
2023New Beginnings$100,000Funds will support the current funding gap in Street Outreach Program.Lewiston, ME
2023Northern Light / Mercy Hospital$500,000Two-year grant for programmatic and operational support for McAuley Residences, including expansion in four new locations serving women and children in Maine's rural counties.Portland, ME
2023Northern Light / Mercy Hospital$500,000Two-year grant in partnership with In Her Presence to provide culturally informed care to pregnant women of color residing at the Frances Warde House to increase better birth outcomes.Portland, ME
2023Passamaquoddy Indian Township Tribal Government$125,000To support the purchase of two medical mobile units and any other needs that arise following the flooding of the health center in Indian Township.Princeton, ME
2023People Who Care Food Cupboard$10,000To support general operations as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Madison, ME
2023Piscataquis Regional Food Center$40,000To provide general operating support as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Dover Foxcroft, ME
2023Portland Adult Education$130,000To provide support for the expansion of the Intensive Literacy for East Bayside / Family English Class Two-Generation Program.Portland, ME
2023Preble Street$30,000To provide meals to children and families at Frances Warde.Portland, ME
2023Prosperity Maine$225,000To support Individual Development Accounts (IDA) for financial education, savings, and small business development and to support to the Chart Your Course (CYC) program for women entrepreneurs.Portland, ME
2023River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition$10,000To support the general operations of the Old School Food Pantry as part of a Foundation initiative to increase food access in areas of the state where childhood hunger rates are the highest in New England.Rumford, ME
2023Safe Families For Children Alliance$50,000To provide program support for the Maine chapter of Safe Families for Children.Brewer, ME
2023South Portland Adult Education$100,000To provide support to the West End ELL Program.South Portland, ME
2023Sunrise Opportunities$75,000To support the general operations of the Community Caring Collaborative.Machias, ME
2023Sunrise Opportunities$40,000To provide funds for parent advisors in the Community Caring Collaborative.Machias, ME
2023Sweetser$100,000To provide funding for a planning grant to expand the pipeline of mental health providers who can support children and youth across Maine.Saco, ME
2023Tedford Housing$50,000Provide funding support for the construction of family units in Tedford's new emergency housing building. Brunswick, ME
2023The Aspen Institute$100,000To partner with The Aspen Institute's Ascend Network as they collaborate with, inform, and support the Foundation's two-generation initiatives.Washington, ME
2023Tree Street Youth$100,000To provide general operating support.Lewiston, ME
2023Trekkers Inc$75,000To support the MidCoast Community Collaborative to plan and develop innovative ideas to support early childhood needs in the Waldoboro area.Rockland, ME
2023Tri-County Mental Health Services$50,000To support the efforts to address mental health concerns in the community in the wake of the mass violence events in Lewiston.Lewiston, ME
2023Tri-County Mental Health Services$55,000To pilot an Internship Incubator program, which will reduce the wait time for individuals seeking mental health services, alleviate the burden on existing clinical staff, and attract and support new clinicians entering the field.Lewiston, ME
2023United Way Of Androscoggin County Inc$25,000To provide support to the Androscoggin County Community Fund which will provide mental health support to community members and organizations working in response to the Lewiston mass shooting.Lewiston, ME
2023University Of Maine System - New Ventures Maine$120,000To provide support to families by increasing their financial stability to build resilience and success.Augusta, ME
2023University System Of New Hampshire - Carsey School of Public Policy$788,000Five-year grant to the Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire to support research and evaluation activities for the Foundation.Durham, ME
2023Wabanaki Public Health and Wellness$4,000To assist with school backpack support for children at Sipayik and surrounding communities in Washington County. Bangor, ME
2023York County Community Action Corp$315,000To provide support for programming to prevent child homelessness through Housing Navigation and Whole Family Coaching.Sanford, ME
2023Young Womens Christian Association Of Central Maine$25,000To provide general operating support to address community needs in the wake of the mass violence events.Lewiston, ME
2022Avesta Housing Development Corporation$25,000To support the general operations of the Maine Affordable Housing Coalition.Portland, ME
2022Avesta Housing Development Corporation$50,000To provide asylum-seeking resident families of Avesta's West End II/Winchester Woods apartments with cultural navigation services.Portland, ME
2022Bangor Housing Development Corporation$175,000To support Families Forward, a two-generation approach which combines economic supports to parents, parent capacity building, child development, and educational and social-emotional learning to significantly improve outcomes for parents and children simultaneously.Bangor, ME
2022Bangor Housing Development Corporation$46,000To work in partnership with Yale University's Elevate Policy Lab to develop and implement a MOMS Partnership.Bangor, ME
2022Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maine$213,000To provide high quality after school and summer programming, to include transportation, to 260 school age children who are residing in temporary living situations at two hotels in South Portland.Portland, ME
2022Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maine$1,200To support videography of BGCSM's Foundation-funded summer program.Portland, ME
2022City of Lewiston$110,000To provide additional staff support to the Assistant Director of Economic & Community Development in implementing the Growing our Tree Streets transformation plan and to support a CHOICE communications campaign.Lewiston, ME
2022Coastal Enterprises, Inc.$150,000To enhance and facilitate a Child Care Business Lab in the Tree Streets neighborhood of Lewiston, to include the development and implementation of a pilot program to increase the child care workforce in the area.Brunswick, ME
2022Council for a Strong America$25,000To support CSA's work co-leading the Right From The Start Coalition.Topsham, ME
2022Healthy Acadia$75,000To support the general operations of the Safe Harbor Recovery Home for Women and Children and to support the PROSPER Initiative, specifically to hire members of the tribal community to serve as Community Health Navigators.Ellsworth, ME
2022Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project$75,000To provide general operating support.Portland, ME
2022Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Foundation$100,000To support the general operations, community programming, and engagement efforts of Healthy Neighborhoods, which will also include support for its shared gifting program.Lewiston, ME
2022Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Foundation$200,000To provide program support for the Strengthen LA initiative.Lewiston, ME
2022Lewiston-Auburn Area Housing Development Corporation$156,000To provide support for the Hillview YMCA Drop In and Family Engagement Program.Lewiston, ME
2022Maine Association For The Education Of Young Children$25,000To support Maine AEYC's work co-leading the Right From The Start Coalition.Augusta, ME
2022Maine Association of Nonprofits$10,000To provide general operating support.Portland, ME
2022Maine Cancer Foundation$150,000To support the John T. Gorman Cancer Fund, which funds organizations and programs that are working to reduce cancer incidence and mortality in Maine and/or to support cancer patients.Falmouth, ME
2022Maine Children's Alliance$50,000To support MCA’s role as the backbone operations and coalition organization for the Maine Child Welfare Action Network.Augusta, ME
2022Maine Community Integration$26,400To support the Lewiston Youth Journalism Project, in which Lewiston area youth will interview their family, friends, and neighbors about the impact of the redevelopment of the Tree Streets neighborhood on their lives and document their feelings about these changes.Lewiston, ME
2022Maine Community Integration$71,000To provide general operating support, including strengthening MCI's capacity to serve as a fiscal agent for Lewiston based organizations.Lewiston, ME
2022Maine Development Foundation$20,000To support the Policy Leaders Academy, a non-partisan educational program for Maine Legislators on the Maine economy, to include information on the Whole Family Approach to Jobs initiative.Hallowell, ME
2022Maine Equal Justice$15,000To support the Credit to Kids Campaign through additional outreach and assistance to reach non-filers or others in Maine who would greatly benefit from the Child Tax Credit – but who have not yet accessed it.Augusta, ME
2022Maine Initiatives$20,000To support Maine Initiatives' Immigrant Led Organizations pooled fund, along with the work of identified Ethnic Community-Based Organizations.Portland, ME
2022Maine Philanthropy Center$18,830To support general operations and the BIPOC Organization Index project.Portland, ME
2022Mercy Hospital$160,000To expand the Family-Centered Education Model to Mercy's McAuley North location in Bangor, as well as to a larger number of McAuley residents in Portland.Portland, ME
2022Portland Adult Education$140,000To provide continued funding for the Intensive Literacy for East Bayside initiative, which supports intensive English language learning for low-income parents and families living in the East Bayside neighborhood, utilizing a two-generation approach.Portland, ME
2022Portland Housing Authority$64,000To support two-generation programming for households headed by youth exiting foster care in Greater Portland.Portland, ME
2022Prosperity ME$85,000To support the Women’s Small Business Empowerment Project, which will support the launch of up to seven BIPOC women-owned small businesses in the Lewiston/Auburn and Greater Portland areas.Portland, ME
2022Restorative Justice Institute Of Maine$50,000To provide general operating support.Portland, ME
2022Safe Families for Children Alliance$25,000To provide program support for the Maine chapter of Safe Families for Children.Whiting, ME
2022Safe Voices$25,000To provide general operating support.Auburn, ME
2022Scarborough Police Department / Students Engaged to End Dependency$50,000To provide matching funds in support of Students Empowered to End Dependency's Voices of Hope programming.Scarborough, ME
2022Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship Research Institute$500,000To support the Promise Scholar program -- which combines college scholarships with personal support, leadership opportunities, and career development.Portland, ME
2022Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine$50,000To provide general operating support for SARSSM's Children's Advocacy Center of York County.Portland, ME
2022South Portland Adult Education$100,000To provide onsite English Language Learning classes to asylum-seeking resident families of Avesta's West End apartments.South Portland, ME
2022State of Maine - Children's Cabinet, Governor's Office$10,000To support the Governor's Children's Cabinet with grant writing support to submit a strong application to the US DHHS for a Preschool Development Grant Application.Augusta, ME
2022State of Maine - Maine Department of Labor$32,000To provide technical assistance to the Maine Department of Labor and the Maine State Workforce Board to improve coordination of workforce development programs in Maine.Augusta, ME
2022Sunrise County Economic Council$360,000To provide continued support for Family Futures Downeast, a two-generation effort to remove economic barriers for participating families.Machias, ME
2022Thomas College$40,000To support the Leadership Learning Exchange for Equity program, which brings together white Maine leaders to engage in a peer-to-peer community to learn about, and reflect on, the role of race and white privilege in their work, personal lives, and communities.Waterville, ME
2022Tree Street Youth$100,000To provide general operating support.Lewiston, ME
2022United Way of Southern Maine$210,000To support priority strategies for the Thrive2027 initiative, backbone support for Thrive2027 infrastructure, and the work of Women United.Portland, ME
2022United Way of Southern Maine$275,000To support the work of Portland ConnectED and Starting Strong, to inprove cradle-to-career outcomes for children and youth in Portland.Portland, ME
2022United Way of Southern Maine$150,000To support access to the Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) database for all Maine-based United Way organizations and to expand Women United programming to York County.Portland, ME
2022United Way of Southern Maine$15,000To support United Way of Southern Maine's 2022 Annual Campaign.Portland, ME
2022University of Maine School of Law Foundation$125,000To continue to support the Juvenile Justice Reform Project, which develops and advocates for a continuum-of-care as an alternative to incarceration, increases fairness in the juvenile justice system, and removes barriers to success for former system-involved youth.Portland, ME
2022University of Maine System - New Ventures Maine$100,000To support the financial education and asset building work of the CA$H Maine coalition, specifically services targeting underserved populations and those hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.Augusta, ME
2022University System of New Hampshire - Carsey School of Public Policy$90,018To produce evidence synthesis papers, programmatic evidence scans and catalogues, and related memos/technical assistance that focus on emergent priority areas identified by the Foundation.Durham, NH
2022Yale University - School of Public Health$224,000To provide training and technical assistance through Yale's Elevate Policy Lab to Bangor Housing Authority as they develop and implement a MOMS Partnership in Maine.New Haven, CT
2021Alfond Youth and Community Center$25,000To increase access to youth and adolescent mental health, wellness, and community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.Waterville, ME
2021Avesta Housing$250,000Two-year grant to support the Silver Hearth Fund, targeted to create and improve housing and services for low-income seniors in Maine.Portland, ME
2021Avesta Housing$20,000To support the Maine Affordable Housing Coalition’s planning process to assess the organization’s current structure, staffing, and finances with the goal of ensuring its continued growth and success in addressing Maine’s affordable housing challenges.Portland, ME
2021Bangor Housing Authority$20,000To support continued funding to cover facility expenses at the Brewer Community Center, proposed home to the Enhanced Family Self-Sufficiency Learning Institute.Bangor, ME
2021Bangor Housing Authority$158,000To support Families Forward, a two-generation approach which combines economic supports to parents, parent capacity building, child development, and educational and social-emotional learning to significantly improve outcomes for parents and children simultaneously.Bangor, ME
2021Bangor Housing Authority$45,000To partner with the Urban Institute to launch and implement an Enhanced Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Institute, providing learning and training opportunities for FSS program coordinators across the state of Maine.Bangor, ME
2021Bangor YMCA$25,000To increase access to youth and adolescent mental health, wellness, and community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.Bangor, ME
2021By Kids Inc.$49,500To support a six-day Film Institute workshop in Lewiston with local immigrant and refugee youth who reside in the Tree Street neighborhood.New York, ME
2021Children's Museum of Maine$20,000To support an Early Childhood Listening Tour, to build the long-term strength and efficacy of their early childhood focus through an assessment of community needs in collaboration with community partners.Portland, ME
2021City of Lewiston$80,000To support a Neighborhood Development Coordinator position, who will help the Economic Development Manager implement the Growing our Tree Streets Transformation Plan.Lewiston, ME
2021Coastal Enterprises, Inc.$150,000To amplify the impact of the Lewison-based Child Care Business Lab, adding more quality child care slots within the Tree Streets neighborhood.Brunswick, ME
2021Community Concepts$71,000In continued support of the resident engagement and support activities identified within the CHOICE Neighborhood Initiative.Lewiston, ME
2021Council for a Strong America$30,000To support CSA's work co-leading the Right From The Start Coalition.Topsham, ME
2021Foundation for Maine's Community Colleges$75,000To support the Remote Work for ME initiative, a state-wide training program to prepare rural Mainers for remote working roles needed by Maine employers.South Portland, ME
2021Great Schools Partnership$15,000To support the Common Data Project's 2022 annual report, which will provide transparent, comparable data about high school and college outcomes across New England.Portland, ME
2021Green and Healthy Homes Initiative - Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning$50,000To provide general operating support.Baltimore, ME
2021iACT / Kennedy Park Football Club$7,500To support Kennedy Park Football Club's winter season.Redondo Beach, ME
2021Knox County Homeless Coalition$25,000To increase access to youth and adolescent mental health, wellness, and community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.Rockland, ME
2021Legal Services for the Elderly$30,000To continue to support the Elder Justice Coordinating Partnership's efforts to develop an Elder Justice Roadmap that will identify challenges to the prevention of, detection of, and response to elder abuse and develop strategic priorities across the public and private sectors to address those challenges.Augusta, ME
2021Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber Of Commerce Foundation$75,000To continue to support the general operations of Healthy Neighborhoods.Lewiston, ME
2021Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber Of Commerce Foundation$175,000To support the Strengthen LA initiative, a comprehensive strategy to create a seamless continuum of education, training, and employment in Lewiston and Auburn.Lewiston, ME
2021Lewiston-Auburn Area Housing Development Corporation$25,000To support the city's capacity to access state and federal grant consultation and expertise as part of the CHOICE Implementation grant process.Lewiston, ME
2021Lewiston-Auburn Area Housing Development Corporation$50,000To support families in Lewiston who have been displaced due to a residential fire.Lewiston, ME
2021Maine Association For The Education Of Young Children$50,000To support Maine AEYC's general operations and their work co-leading the Right From The Start Coalition.Augusta, ME
2021Maine Association of Nonprofits$10,000To provide general operating support.Portland, ME
2021Maine Association of Nonprofits$20,000To continue to support the Get on Board Initiative, which will develop new models, expand available programming, and strengthen the leadership pipeline for Maine's nonprofit community.Portland, ME
2021Maine Children's Alliance$10,000To support the development of MCA's next strategic plan.Augusta, ME
2021Maine Children's Trust$3,000To support the participation of fathers who have children in Maine's child welfare system in listening sessions organized by the Maine Child Welfare Advisory Panel and the Office of Child and Family Services.Augusta, ME
2021Maine Community Integration$50,000To provide general operating support.Lewiston, ME
2021Maine Equal Justice$70,000To provide general operating support.Augusta, ME
2021Maine Equal Justice$50,000To support Invest in Tomorrow, a long-term, multi-sector initiative to halve child poverty in Maine by 2029 by strengthening the safety net for children and families and increasing educational opportunities.Augusta, ME
2021Maine Farmland Trust$50,000To provide matching funds for Farm Fresh Rewards, a statewide nutrition incentive program that doubles Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program dollars for low-income residents.Belfast, ME
2021Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services$15,000To increase access to youth and adolescent mental health, wellness, and community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.Lewiston, ME
2021Maine Initiatives$100,000To support a pooled fund that awards grants to Maine's immigrant-led and -serving nonprofit organizations who are on the frontlines of the community response to COVID-19.Portland, ME
2021Maine Philanthropy Center$13,830To support general operations and to sponsor the 2021 Philanthropy Partners Conference.Portland, ME
2021Maine Youth Alliance$25,000To increase access to youth and adolescent mental health, wellness, and community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.Belfast, ME
2021Mercy Hospital$400,000Two- year grant to support a workforce development strategy to advance racial equity and address barriers for low-income hospital workers.Bangor, ME
2021Migration Policy Institute$54,000To provide technical assistance to Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services' Whole Family Services program.Washington, ME
2021MSAD44$14,500To support the district's development of Resilience Intervention Teams, to provide intervention for students struggling at school with components of social and emotional engagement.Bethel, ME
2021OUT Maine$25,000To increase access to youth and adolescent mental health, wellness, and community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.Rockland, ME
2021Patient Airlift Services$25,000To provide support for PALS’ medical flight activities in Maine.Farmingdale, ME
2021Pine Tree Legal Assistance$250,000To advance the Medical-Legal Lead Hazard Partnership, which works to proactively reduce lead hazards and address issues arising from lead poisoning in Lewiston's Tree Street neighborhood.Portland, ME
2021Pine Tree Legal Assistance$87,000To support the collection of data on eviction filings in Maine District Courts and document the prevalence and causes of eviction and the impact of legal representation on the outcome of eviction proceedings.Portland, ME
2021Pine Tree Legal Assistance$250,000To support PTLA's Medical-Legal Lead Hazard Partnership, which proactively reduces lead hazards, addresses issues arising from lead poisoning, and addresses barriers to safe and stable housing in Lewiston’s Tree Street Neighborhood.Portland, ME
2021Portland Adult Education$150,000To support the ILEB program, an effort by Portland Adult Education and East End Community School to increase literacy for families of elementary school students who are low-level English Language learners using a two generation approach.Portland, ME
2021Portland Housing Authority$164,000To support two-generation programming for households headed by youth exiting foster care in Greater Portland; both to extend their successful FYI programing to additional households and to provide parenting support those who are newly parenting.Portland, ME
2021Preble Street$100,000To provide general operating support.Portland, ME
2021Preble Street$1,000,000Two-year grant to support the capital costs and general operations of the Preble Street Food Security Hub, with the vision of developing a sustainable, comprehensive, and collaborative approach to ending hunger in Maine.Portland, ME
2021Rangeley Health and Wellness$25,000To increase access to youth and adolescent mental health, wellness, and community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.Rangeley, ME
2021Regional School Unit 40$20,000To increase access to youth and adolescent mental health, wellness, and community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.Union, ME
2021Rural Community Action Ministry$15,000To increase access to youth and adolescent mental health, wellness, and community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.Leeds, ME
2021Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship Research Institute$350,000Two-year grant to support the Promise Scholar program - which combines college scholarships with personal support, leadership opportunities, and career development - for new cohorts in 2021 and 2022.Portland, ME
2021Somerset Career and Technical Center$25,000To increase access to youth and adolescent mental health, wellness, and community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.Skowhegan, ME
2021Somerset Career and Technical Center$30,000To support the Somerset County Youth Task Force, which will bring together young people to engage with issues relevant to their lives and identify priorities, recommendations, and action steps for change.Skowhegan, ME
2021Sunrise County Economic Council$210,000To provide support for Family Futures Downeast, a two-generation effort to remove economic barriers for participating families.Machias, ME
2021Sunrise Opportunities$50,000To support the general operations of the Community Caring Collaborative.Machias, ME
2021Sustainable Livelihoods Relief Organization$25,000To support the Start Up Scale Up Program, which will create a parents’ choice childcare co-op to provide culturally and linguistically tailored childcare centers in Lewiston, Maine.Lewiston, ME
2021The Opportunity Alliance$100,000To support increased access to quality childcare in Portland's East Bayside neighborhood, especially for immigrant families and those seeking asylum, with the additional impact of increasing the number of local childcare professionals.South Portland, ME
2021The Root Cellar$30,000To provide general operating support.Lewiston, ME
2021The Urban Institute$45,000To partner with the Bangor Housing Authority to launch and implement an Enhanced Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Institute, providing learning and training opportunities for FSS program coordinators across the state of Maine.Washington, ME
2021United Way of Southern Maine$200,000To support priority strategies for each goal area of the Thrive2027 initiative, as well as to provide backbone support for the overall Thrive2027 infrastructure.Portland, ME
2021United Way of Southern Maine$15,000To support United Way of Southern Maine's 2021 Annual Campaign.Portland, ME
2021United Way of Southern Maine$25,000To support Women United's efforts to bolster the social-emotional wellbeing and academic achievement of the youth and teens of Project WIN in the Bayside neighborhood of Portland.Portland, ME
2021United Way of Southern Maine$175,000To support Portland ConnectED, a set of city-wide cradle-to-career strategies designed to impact kindergarten readiness, grade level reading, and postsecondary completion.Portland, ME
2021University of Maine School of Law Foundation$125,000To support Juvenile Justice Reform Project, which develops and advocates for: a continuum of care as an alternative to incarceration, increased fairness in the juvenile justice system, and the removal of barriers to success for former system-involved youth.Portland, ME
2021University of Maine System / New Ventures Maine$125,000To support NVME as they innovate and coordinate financial education and asset building programs that meet the economic security needs of individuals and families during the pandemic and transition the CA$H Maine coalition to virtual services.Augusta, ME
2021University of New England$25,000To support a needs assessment centered on discerning older resident needs as part of UNE’s service-learning and research partnership with the Westbrook Housing Authority.Portland, ME
2021University System of New Hampshire / Carsey School of Public Policy$35,000To support an on-going data-research partnership and to craft a white paper examining geographic and racial-ethnic differences in the impact of COVID-19 within Maine.Durham, ME
2021Wabanaki Public Health and Wellness$25,000To increase access to youth and adolescent mental health, wellness, and community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.Bangor, ME
2020Androscoggin Head Start and Child Care$23,000To support a pilot program that will train new and existing child care workers via on-line credentialing courses and connect them to internships and/or job placement.Lewiston, ME
2020Aroostook County Action Program$15,000To support efforts to reduce family stress, isolation and child abuse through socially-distanced visits to at-risk families during the COVID-19 pandemic.Presque Isle, ME
2020Bangor Area Homeless Shelter$25,000To provide general operating support to address the basic needs of vulnerable populations that are under additional strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Bangor, ME
2020Bangor Housing Development Corporation$100,000To support the continued expansion and maintenance of the successful enhanced Family Self Sufficiency program at Brewer and Old Town Housing Authorities.Bangor, ME
2020Bangor Housing Development Corporation$20,000To plan an Enhanced Family Self Sufficiency Institute, providing learning and training opportunities for FSS program coordinators across the state of Maine.Bangor, ME
2020Boys and Girls Club of Bangor$25,000To provide general operating support to address the basic needs of vulnerable populations that are under additional strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Bangor, ME
2020Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maine$50,000To provide general operating support to address the basic needs of vulnerable populations that are under additional strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Portland, ME
2020Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maine$30,000To support safe learning hubs for students engaged in remote learning.Portland, ME
2020Center for Children's Law and Policy$18,000To support monthly meetings with the co-chairs of the Maine Juvenile Justice Task Force and the preparation of a case study sharing developments in juvenile justice reform over the past several years.Washington, ME
2020Coastal Enterprises, Inc.$150,000To plan and implement the first year of a Child Care Business Lab in Lewiston's Tree Streets Neighborhood.Brunswick, ME
2020Community Concepts, Inc.$20,000To support a vlogging engagement project to ensure resident voices are informing the Transforming the Tree Streets initiative.Lewiston, ME
2020Community Concepts, Inc.$40,000To support efforts to reduce family stress, isolation and child abuse through socially-distanced visits to at-risk families during the COVID-19 pandemic.Lewiston, ME
2020Council for a Strong America$40,000To support CSA's work co-leading the Right From The Start Coalition.Topsham, ME
2020Family Focus$2,500To support a strategic planning process, which will include recommendations on how to best provide childcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic.Brunswick, ME
2020First Book$13,500To support the purchase of over 7,500 books to be distributed to children in Lewiston and Indian Township who may not be benefiting from a learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.Washington, ME
2020Foundation for Maine's Community Colleges$10,000To support the planning phase of the Pathways for ME pilot program at Washington County Community College, which will help support and improve academic outcomes for rural adult students in recovery.South Portland, ME
2020Foundation for Portland Public Schools$25,000To support Portland Public Schools' Addressing the Opportunity Gap campaign, which aims to expand the district's equity work.Portland, ME
2020Good Shepherd Food Bank$100,000To provide general operating support to address the basic needs of vulnerable populations that are under additional strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Auburn, ME
2020Good Shepherd Food Bank$300,000Two year grant to support innovative data- and community-driven strategies to improve access to nutritious food for all food-insecure Mainers.Auburn, ME
2020Great Schools Partnership$15,000To support the 2021 Common Data Project annual report, which will provide transparent, comparable data about high school and college outcomes from across New England.Portland, ME
2020Kennebec Valley Community Action Program$40,000To support efforts to reduce family stress, isolation and child abuse through socially-distanced visits to at-risk families during the COVID-19 pandemic.Waterville, ME
2020Legal Services For The Elderly$78,000To support the Elder Justice Coordinating Partnership and to develop an Elder Justice Roadmap that will identify challenges to the prevention of, detection of, and response to elder abuse and develop strategic priorities across the public and private sectors to address those challenges.Augusta, ME
2020Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Foundation$50,000To support the operations of Healthy Neighborhoods to help realize the goals of the Choice Neighborhoods Transformation Plan.Lewiston, ME
2020Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Foundation$50,000To support the Strengthen L/A initiative, a comprehensive strategy to create a seamless continuum of education, training, and employment in Lewiston and Auburn.Lewiston, ME
2020Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Foundation$50,000To support Healthy Neighborhoods' shared gifting program, which distributes funds to Tree Street area projects that will have a positive, tangible impact on the community.Lewiston, ME
2020Lewiston Public Schools$10,000To support efforts to connect with homeless, at-risk and English Language Learner students and families on a weekly basis throughout school closure/summer.Lewiston, ME
2020Lewiston-Auburn Area Housing Development Corporation$150,000To support the housing component of the CHOICE Grant Application, to include HUD required Capital Needs Assessments, relocation consulting for existing residents, and 3rd party design services/other predevelopment expenditures.Lewiston, ME
2020Maine Association for The Education of Young Children$10,000To support the launch of the T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship Program in Maine.Augusta, ME
2020Maine Association for The Education of Young Children$15,000To support Maine AEYC's work co-leading the Right From The Start Coalition.Augusta, ME
2020Maine Association of Nonprofits$20,000To support the Get on Board Initiative, which will develop new models, expand available programming, and strengthen the leadership pipeline for Maine's nonprofit community.Portland, ME
2020Maine Association of Nonprofits$10,000To provide general operating support.Portland, ME
2020Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence$140,000To provide general operating support to MCEDV and eight member organizations to address domestic violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic.Augusta, ME
2020Maine Community Action Association$5,000To provide grant writing and facilitation support for the Early Head Start Child Care Partnership grant.Bangor, ME
2020Maine Community Foundation$50,000To contribute to a pool of funds supporting Ethnic Community Based Organizations in Maine in their ongoing efforts to provide equitable and culturally-informed COVID-19 response.Portland, ME
2020Maine Community Foundation Inc$100,000To contribute to a pool of funds to support Ethnic Community Based Organizations in Maine in their efforts to provide equitable and culturally-informed COVID-19 response.Portland, ME
2020Maine Equal Justice$50,000To support Invest in Tomorrow, an initiative whose goal is to cut child poverty in half by 2029 through increased access to higher education, workforce participation, and earning capacity for Maine families.Augusta, ME
2020Maine Equal Justice$50,000For general operating support.Augusta, ME
2020Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services$20,000To support safe learning hubs for students engaged in remote learning.Lewiston, ME
2020Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services$10,000To provide general operating support.Lewiston, ME
2020Maine Initiatives$15,000To fund Immigrant-Led Organizations who are serving those at-risk of domestic violence and abuse within their representative communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.Portland, ME
2020Maine Initiatives$25,000To support a pooled fund that awards grants to Maine's immigrant-led and -serving nonprofit organizations who are on the frontlines of the community response to COVID-19.Portland, ME
2020Maine Philanthropy Center$13,830To support general operations and to sponsor the 2020 Philanthropy Partners Conference.Portland, ME
2020MaineGeneral Medical Center$75,000To support in-home parent coaching using the Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up Model.Augusta, ME
2020Mercy Hospital$100,000To support a two-generation approach to engaging McAuley residents in post-secondary education.Bangor, ME
2020Nami-Maine, Inc.$10,000To support adolescent mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic via a texting support platform.Hallowell, ME
2020New Beginnings, Inc.$50,000To provide general operating support to address the basic needs of vulnerable populations that are under additional strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Lewiston, ME
2020Penquis C.A.P., Inc.$25,000To support efforts to reduce family stress, isolation and child abuse through socially-distanced visits to at-risk families during the COVID-19 pandemic.Bangor, ME
2020Pine Tree Legal Assistance$250,000To advance the Medical-Legal Lead Hazard Partnership, which works to proactively reduce lead hazards and address issues arising from lead poisoning in Lewiston and Greater Portland.Portland, ME
2020Portland Housing Authority$390,000To support a three year grant for the Youth Stability and Asset Building pilot program in Portland. This pilot will assist homeless and at-risk youth exiting foster care by coordinating a resolution to their housing crisis, ensuring on-going housing stability, and guiding recipients in achieving long-term success.Portland, ME
2020Portland Public Schools$130,000To support Portland Adult Education and East End Community School's efforts to increase literacy for families of elementary school students who are low-level English Language learners using a two generation approach.Portland, ME
2020Preble Street$75,000To provide general operating support to address the basic needs of vulnerable populations that are under additional strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Portland, ME
2020Raise-Op Housing Cooperative$50,000To provide general operating support.Lewiston, ME
2020Restorative Justice Institute of Maine$50,000To pilot a diversion program for young adults ages 18-25 based on the restorative justice principles of community accountability and peer support.Portland, ME
2020Shaw House$50,000To provide general operating support to address the basic needs of vulnerable populations that are under additional strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Bangor, ME
2020St. Mary's Nutrition Center$25,000To provide general operating support to address the basic needs of vulnerable populations that are under additional strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Lewiston, ME
2020State of Maine, Children's Cabinet - Governor's Office$75,000To support the State of Maine's efforts to increase access to evidence-based substance use disorder treatment for youth, as part of a larger effort to rebuild Maine's behavioral health system for youth and their families.Augusta, ME
2020State of Maine, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry$75,000To support the creation of a comprehensive roadmap for ending hunger in Maine, to include shared metrics, benchmarks, and timelines that work toward a hunger-free future.Augusta, ME
2020State of Maine, Department of Corrections$50,000To support the Department of Corrections' Community Outreach Expansion Pilot Program in Lewiston, Maine.Augusta, ME
2020State of Maine, Department of Health and Human Services$20,000To support a public campaign to educate people about safe sleep and the “period of purple” – to combat Maine’s elevated rate of infant mortality.Augusta, ME
2020Sunrise County Economic Council$210,000To provide support for Family Futures Downeast, a two-generation effort to remove economic barriers for participating families.Machias, ME
2020Sunrise Opportunities$45,000To provide general operating support for the Community Caring Collaborative as they work to advance two-generation efforts in Washington County.Machias, ME
2020Tedford Housing$25,000To provide general operating support to address the basic needs of vulnerable populations that are under additional strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Brunswick, ME
2020The Opportunity Alliance$25,000To support efforts to reduce family stress, isolation and child abuse through socially-distanced visits to at-risk families during the COVID-19 pandemic.South Portland, ME
2020The Root Cellar$30,000To support safe learning hubs for students engaged in remote learning.Lewiston, ME
2020Tree Street Youth$25,000To support safe learning hubs for students engaged in remote learning.Lewiston, ME
2020United Way of Greater Portland$25,000To serve as a contribution to the Greater Portland COVID-19 Community Relief Fund.Portland, ME
2020United Way of Greater Portland$15,000To support United Way of Greater Portland's 2020 Annual Campaign.Portland, ME
2020United Way of Greater Portland$250,000To support Thrive 2027 and Women United programming.Portland, ME
2020United Way of Greater Portland$175,000To support Portland ConnectED, a set of city-wide cradle-to-career strategies designed to impact kindergarten readiness, grade level reading, and postsecondary completion.Portland, ME
2020United Ways Of Maine Incorporated$5,000To support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training for the boards and staff of United Ways of Maine and all of its member agencies.Augusta, ME
2020University of Maine School of Law Foundation$105,500To support the Juvenile Justice Reform Project, which strengthens community partnerships and supports innovative reforms in Maine's juvenile justice system to enable youth to successfully transition into adulthood.Portland, ME
2020University Of Maine System, Cutler Institute - Data Innovation Project$10,000To build data capacity, literacy and shared performance measures for the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project grant.Portland, ME
2020University Of Maine System, Muskie School of Public Service$50,000To serve as continued match funding for the Maine Learn and Earn to Achieve Potential initiative, which helps youth who are transitioning from foster care, involved with the Juvenile Justice system, or currently/recently homeless to complete high school and transition into post-secondary education or employment.Portland, ME
2020University Of Maine System, Muskie School of Public Service$30,000To support the Young People’s Caucus, which brings together youth from across the state to inform key decision-makers on how practices & policies are impacting Maine's young people, their communities, and their futures.Portland, ME
2020University Of Maine System, New Ventures Maine$175,000To enable New Ventures Maine to serve as the backbone organization for CA$H Maine - a statewide collaboration of regional CA$H Coalitions that deliver financial education and coaching to low-income Maine families.Augusta, ME
2020University System Of New Hampshire, Carsey School of Public Policy$25,000To support a data-research partnership, to include on-request data support and regular memos summarizing new policy and academic research related to the Foundation’s populations of interest.Durham, ME
2020Urban Institute$30,400To partner with the Bangor Housing Authority to plan an Enhanced Family Self Sufficiency Institute, providing learning and training opportunities for FSS program coordinators across the state of Maine.Washington, ME
2020Wabanaki Public Health And Wellness$10,000To continue support for the Literacy and Love program, providing additional books and educational resources to Wabanaki elders and veterans.Bangor, ME
2020Wabanaki Public Health And Wellness$60,000To support efforts to reduce family stress, isolation and child abuse through socially-distanced visits to at-risk families in Maine's five tribes during the COVID-19 pandemic.Bangor, ME
2020Wabanaki Women's Coalition$95,000To provide general operating support to WWC and five tribal entities to address domestic violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic.Lincolnville, ME
2020Wayside Food Programs$50,000To provide general operating support to address the basic needs of vulnerable populations that are under additional strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Portland, ME
2020York County Community Action Corporation$25,000To support efforts to reduce family stress, isolation and child abuse through socially-distanced visits to at-risk families during the COVID-19 pandemic.Sanford, ME
2020York County Shelter Programs$25,000To provide general operating support to address the basic needs of vulnerable populations that are under additional strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Alfred, ME
2020Youth Advocate Programs, Inc.$50,000To enhance an existing contract with the Maine Department of Corrections and to provide advocacy services to youth transitioning from Long Creek Youth Developmental Center into the community.Harrisburg, ME
2019American Civil Liberties Union of Maine Foundation$30,000To provide support for the provision of technical assistance to collaborating organizations seeking juvenile justice reform.Portland, ME
2019Androscoggin Head Start and Child Care / Promise Early Education Center$50,000To support the roll-out campaign for the Growing our Tree Streets Transformation Grant, to include grassroots organizing efforts and traditional print and media promotion.Lewiston, ME
2019Axiom Education and Training Center$50,000To support the work of Family Futures Downeast, a two-generational educational program for parents and their children in Washington County.Machias, ME
2019Axiom Education and Training Center$26,000To support the general operations of the Washington County Adult Education program.Machias, ME
2019Bangor Housing Authority$200,000To support the replication of BHA’s successful enhanced Family Self Sufficiency program at the Brewer and Old Town Housing Authorities and to align the programming available to participants at all three housing authorities.Bangor, ME
2019Bangor Housing Authority$127,000To support the work of Families Forward, a two-generation approach which combines economic supports to parents, parent capacity building, child development, and educational and social-emotional learning to significantly improve outcomes for parents, children and families.Bangor, ME
2019Bangor Housing Authority$140,000To support the work of Families Forward, a two-generation approach which combines economic supports to parents, parent capacity building, child development, and educational and social-emotional learning to significantly improve outcomes for parents, children and families.Bangor, ME
2019Bluehub Capital$300,000Three year grant to support the Working Communities Challenge, an effort to strengthen Maine communities' local leadership capacity by advancing cross-sector collaboration through multi-year grant awards.Boston, MA
2019Center For Childrens Law and Policy$42,520To support work affiliated with an assessment of the Maine juvenile justice system, to include data collection and analysis, document review, report printing, and youth/community focus groups.Washington, DC
2019Central Maine Community Health Corporation$20,000To conduct an evaluation of downtown Lewiston resident awareness of lead poisoning and prevention strategies prior to and after a comprehensive community education campaign on lead.Lewiston, ME
2019Community Concepts$150,000To support the Lewiston Workforce Initiative, which connects individuals who have employment barriers to a career path through the provision of direct career counseling, job coaching, job development, and support services.Lewiston, ME
2019Community Concepts$150,000To support work aligned with the HUD CHOICE grant.Lewiston, ME
2019Council for a Strong America$50,000To support CSA's work co-leading the Right From The Start Coalition.Topsham, ME
2019Eastern Maine Development Corporation$8,000To provide grantwriting support for the State of Maine’s application for National Health Emergency Grant funding.Bangor, ME
2019Educate Maine$50,000To support the development and distribution of the 2019 Education Indicators for Maine report and two related policy briefs.Portland, ME
2019Educate Maine$80,000To provide support for the general operations of Educate Maine as the backbone organization of the MaineSpark Coalition.Portland, ME
2019Frannie Peabody Center$15,000To provide general operating support.Portland, ME
2019Genesis Community Loan Fund$25,000To provide support for capacity building activities to strengthen existing infrastructure and increase delivery of services.Brunswick, ME
2019Good Shepherd Food Bank$150,000To support innovative data- and community-driven strategies to improve access to nutritious food for all food-insecure Mainers.Auburn, ME
2019Goodwill Industries of Northern New England$214,000Two year grant to support the YouthBuild Take 2 program, which provides career pathways and opportunities to build community connections for disconnected youth in Lewiston-Auburn.Gorham, ME
2019Goodwill Industries of Northern New England$55,000To provide support to the Gateway to Opportunity program, which connects low-income youth, mostly public school students in Portland, with paid learning opportunities.Gorham, ME
2019Green and Healthy Homes Initiative - Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning$50,000To provide general operating support.Baltimore, MD
2019Green and Healthy Homes Initiative - Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning$7,500To provide technical assistance to the City of Lewiston for a federal Lead Hazard Reduction grant application.Baltimore, MD
2019Healthy Homeworks$10,000To support the development of a Property Health Report, which will aggregate community data to form a complete story of the health of hundreds of Lewiston properties and rentals, presenting them in a user-friendly format available to the public.Lewiston, ME
2019Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project$25,000To provide support for new staff to assist asyslees coming into Portland.Portland, ME
2019KVCC Foundation$95,000To support a dedicated Two-Generation Student Navigator, who will connect economically disadvantaged KVCC student parents to wraparound supports to ensure degree completion.Fairfield, ME
2019Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber Of Commerce Foundation$50,000To support the operations of Healthy Neighborhoods.Lewiston, ME
2019Lewiston Public Schools$15,000To support LPS's plan to send a team of Lewiston-area community members and school personnel to a three-day training on generational poverty at the Harlem Children's ZoneLewiston, ME
2019Lewiston Public Schools$51,500To attract and retain more diversity among LPS instructional staff, which will improve student academic performance.Lewiston, ME
2019Lewiston Public Schools$100,000To fund a coordinator position at Lewiston High School who will implement a culturally-competent restorative practices system school-wide.Lewiston, ME
2019Lewiston-Auburn Area Housing Development Corporation$80,000To support an enhanced Family Self Sufficiency program in Lewiston.Lewiston, ME
2019Maine Association For The Education Of Young Children$20,000To support Maine AEYC's work co-leading the Right From The Start Coalition.Augusta, ME
2019Maine Association of Nonprofits$10,000To provide operating support for the professional development, advocacy, and management resource needs of Maine's nonprofit organizations.Portland, ME
2019Maine Cancer Foundation$150,000To support the John T. Gorman Cancer Fund, which funds organizations and programs that are working to reduce cancer incidence and mortality in Maine and/or to support cancer patients.Falmouth, ME
2019Maine Children's Alliance$2,500To support the development of the Elevate Maine proposal, which seeks to support high quality early care and education services for low-income children in Maine, and to provide education about the project to key policy and decision makers and members of the early childhood field.Augusta, ME
2019Maine Equal Justice Partners$95,000To support the Invest in Tomorrow initiative, a diverse group of stakeholders working to develop and publish policy recommendations with the goal of increasing economic opportunities for Maine families in poverty.Augusta, ME
2019Maine Equal Justice Partners$95,000To support the Invest in Tomorrow initiative, a diverse group of stakeholders working to develop and publish policy recommendations with the goal of increasing economic opportunities for Maine families in poverty.Augusta, ME
2019Maine Initiatives$15,000To support the Solidarity Fund, which will distribute funds to key Maine -based immigrant-led nonprofits doing crucial work with recently arrived asylees.Portland, ME
2019Maine Inside Out$65,000To both support the work of their Leadership Council, which develops the leadership and social capital of formerly incarcerated young people, and to support organizational efforts for financial management assistance.Portland, ME
2019Maine Inside Out$4,000To bring a performance of Maine Inside Out's play "EXPOSED" to the Statewide Juvenile Justice Task Force's meeting in Augusta in fall of 2019.Portland, ME
2019Maine Philanthropy Center$13,500To support general operations and to sponsor the 2019 Spring Symposium.Portland, ME
2019Maine State Housing Authority$10,000To provide capacity support for MaineHousing's efforts to apply for a federal Lead Hazard Reduction grant.Augusta, ME
2019MaineGeneral Medical Center$130,000To support the provision of home-based parent coaching services through the modified Attachment and Biobehavorial Catch-up model to at-risk mothers in the Kennebec Valley Region.Augusta, ME
2019MSAD 54$60,000To support the Somerset Youth Collaborative, which works to provide alternate paths to graduation for Skowhegan area youth and improves school culture to be trauma-informed, so students feel valued and prepared to succeed.Skowhegan, ME
2019Muskie School of Public Service$50,000To support the Young People’s Caucus, which brings together youth from across the state to inform key decision-makers on how practices & policies are impacting Maine's young people, their communities, and their futures.Portland, ME
2019Muskie School of Public Service$50,000To provide match funding to utilize best practices and implementation design from a national model called Children Need Amazing Parents, which focuses on achieving permanency and lifelong connections for older youth in foster care.Portland, ME
2019Muskie School of Public Service$18,500To pilot a Young People’s Caucus, which brings together vulnerable youth aged 14 - 26 from across the state to share their lived experiences with policy makers who are determining public policies that directly impact their lives.Portland, ME
2019Olympia Snowe Women's Leadership Institute$15,000To support the delivery of the Olympia Snowe Women’s Leadership Institute’s “My Values,” “My Voice,” and “My Vision” program at Lewiston High School.Portland, ME
2019Portland Housing Authority$75,000To support continued funding to enhance and expand PHA's Family Self Sufficiency Program.Portland, ME
2019Portland Public Schools$100,000To provide support for the Portland Public Schools' Equity Specialist position, who plays a key role in harnessing the resources, partners and internal stewards of the district's equity work.Portland, ME
2019Portland Public Schools - Riverton Elementary School$25,000To support the planning process to become a Community School.Portland, ME
2019Preble Street$10,000To support the purchase of food through Preble Street's emergency food programs' Asylee Assistance Project.Portland, ME
2019State of Maine, Dept. of Health and Human Services - Office for Family Independence$65,000To support an evaluation of legislation passed to help low-income Mainers achieve self-sufficiency through the reduction of "cliff effects" that occur when increased earnings are not sufficient to cover the cost of lost public assistance benefits.Augusta, ME
2019State of Maine, Office of Policy Innovation and the Future$100,000To support staffing, outreach and related expenses incurred on behalf of the Governor’s Children’s Cabinet.Augusta, ME
2019Sunrise County Economic Council$180,000To support Family Futures Downeast, a two-generation education and workforce opportunity for low-income parents and their children in Washington County.Machias, ME
2019Sunrise Opportunities$75,000To support the general operations of the Community Caring Collaborative.Machias, ME
2019Sunrise Opportunities$25,000To support a pilot transportation program for people in recovery in Washington County.Machias, ME
2019The Center for Wisdom's Women$15,000To support Sophia's House, which provides shelter and support services to women with histories of chronic trauma and generational poverty.Lewiston, ME
2019The Urban Institute$92,798To support the continued adoption of key components of the Urban Housing, Opportunity, and Service Together model to enhance and track outcomes for the Bangor Housing's Families Forward program.Washington, DC
2019Tufts Medical Center / The Bingham Program$10,000To support Census efforts in hard-to-reach communities.Boston, MA
2019United Way of Greater Portland$125,000To support the work of the Thrive2027 Coalition's efforts to ensure that children in Greater Portland have access to quality early learning experiences and that individuals and families have opportunities and resources to achieve financial stability.Portland, ME
2019United Way of Greater Portland$25,000To support Women United and their two-generation work in Portland's East Bayside neighborhood.Portland, ME
2019United Way of Greater Portland$15,000To support United Way of Greater Portland's 2019 Annual Campaign.Portland, ME
2019United Way of Greater Portland$225,000To support Portland ConnectED, a set of city-wide cradle-to-career strategies designed to impact kindergarten readiness, grade level reading, and postsecondary completion.Portland, ME
2019University System Of New Hampshire, Keene State College - Behavioral Health Improvement Institute$90,000To support an evaluation of the Oxford County Resiliency Project.Keene, NH
2019Wabanaki Health and Wellness$25,000To support community and cultural resiliency for Passamaquoddy Tribal Members who are recovering from opiate addiction.Bangor, ME
2019Western Maine Community Action$37,275To support Healthy Neighborhood's Shared Gifting process, which provides funds for physical beautification projects in Downtown Lewiston's Tree Street Neighborhood.East Wilton, ME
2019Youth Advocate Programs$50,000To enhance its contract with the Maine Department of Corrections, and to provide advocacy services to youth who are transitioning from Long Creek Youth Developmental Center into the community.Harrisburg, PA
2018Annie E. Casey Foundation$75,000To provide support for technical assistance and evaluation of Maine's Learn, Earn, Achieve Potential (LEAP) site.Baltimore, MD
2018Aroostook County Action Program$18,266To provide matching funds for ACAP's Low Income Heating Assistance Program.Presque Isle, ME
2018Aroostook County Action Program$100,000To provide support for the Family Coach program, which pairs families who are vulnerable with coaches to assist them in meeting their housing and other basic needs.Presque Isle, ME
2018Axiom Education and Training Center$86,000To provide education and training to particpants of Family Futures Downeast, a two-generational program that combines post-secondary and career programming for Washington County parents with early childhood education for their children.Machias, ME
2018Axiom Education and Training Center$525,000Three year grant to establish a statewide digital literacy training program to improve employment outcomes and serve as a national model.Machias, ME
2018Bangor Housing Authority$124,000To replicate Bangor Housing Authority's successful enhanced Family Self-Sufficiency Program program at the Brewer and Old Town Housing Authorities.Bangor, ME
2018Bath Housing Development Corporation$40,000Two year grant to support the Comfortably Home program, which increases housing stability of low-income, elderly homeowners by increasing safety, minimizing maintenance burden, and lengthening tenure in their own homes.Bath, ME
2018Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maine$115,000To support Project Aim High, an engagement program for middle school aged students in Lewiston, Portland and South Portland.Portland, ME
2018City of Lewiston$125,000To develop and implement recommendations evolving from the Choice Neighborhood resident engagement sessions.Lewiston, ME
2018City of Portland$21,974To provide funding for a Lead Poisoning Public Outreach Mixed Media Campaign.Portland, ME
2018Community Concepts$42,000To support organizational participation in Healthy Neighborhoods, the CHOICE Neighborhood Grant, and to implement their Strategic Growth Plan.Lewiston, ME
2018Community Concepts$245,000To support resident engagement and develop the organizational and financial structures needed to achieve the real estate objectives of the CHOICE Neighborhood initiative.Lewiston, ME
2018Conservation Law Foundation$20,000To provide support for lead poisoning prevention, research, advocacy and technical assistance in Lewiston-Auburn and Portland.Boston, MA
2018Cooperative Development Institute$200,000Two year grant to provide business owners in Washington County with succession planning assistance, to provide workers with new skills that will improve profitability, and to sustain economic activity and access to goods and services in rural communities.Northampton, MA
2018Council for a Strong America$50,000To support their work with the Right from the Start Coalition, which is working to ensure that Maine's children have equal access to high quality early care and education opportunities.Topsham, ME
2018Educate Maine$50,000To provide support for the general operations of Educate Maine as the backbone organization of the MaineSpark Coalition.Portland, ME
2018Educate Maine$50,000To support the development and distribution of the 2018 Education Indicators for Maine report and two related policy briefs.Portland, ME
2018Educate Maine$100,000To support the fourth year of Elevate Somerset's effort to replicate Educare Central Maine's birth-to-kindergarten multi-generational model.Portland, ME
2018Foundation for a Strong Maine Economy$100,000To align FocusMaine's sector-specific efforts with broader job training and workforce development efforts in the state, and to support organizational efforts to research and implement best practice models and policies.Augusta, ME
2018Foundation for a Strong Maine Economy$100,000To support FocusMaine, a ten-year initiative to strengthen and accelerate job growth and skills development in three traded sector industries – traceable foods (agriculture and aquaculture) and biopharmaceutical manufacturing – and to support programming that will result in a skilled workforce ready to sustain these sectors.Augusta, ME
2018Friends of Baxter State Park$20,000To expand participation in the Baxter Youth Conservation Corps, giving young people in Maine’s Katahdin region work experience, job skills, and increased confidence and aspirations.Belfast, ME
2018Genesis Community Loan Fund$25,000To provide support for capacity building activities to strengthen existing infrastructure and increase delivery of services.Brunswick, ME
2018Goodwill Industries of Northern New England$90,000To provide support to the Gateway to Opportunity program, which connects low-income youth, mostly public school students in Portland, with paid learning opportunities.Portland, ME
2018Greater Portland Family Promise$20,000To support the general operations of Greater Portland Family Promise -- providing families who are experiencing homelessness with shelter, food, case management, and community support while helping them establish a sustainable living situation.Portland, ME
2018Intercultural Community Center$20,000To provide general operating support.Westbrook, ME
2018Island Institute$25,000To support outreach and education efforts to scale lessons learned from broadband work with 42 island and coastal communities.Rockland, ME
2018Jobs for Maine's Graduates$25,000To provide general operating support.Augusta, ME
2018Jobs for Maine's Graduates$300,000Two year grant to support the Expanded Opportunity Passport program -- a financial capacity building, education, and matched savings program expanded to non-foster care youth who face challenges or have little or no family support.Augusta, ME
2018Kennebec Valley Community Action Program$12,906To provide matching funds for KVCAP's Low Income Heating Assistance Program.Waterville, ME
2018Legal Services for the Elderly$100,000Two year grant to provide funds for the Elder Abuse Prevention and Response Program.Augusta, ME
2018Lewiston Public Schools$45,500To provide support to attract and retain more diversity among instructional staff, which will improve student academic performance.Lewiston, ME
2018Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging$300,000Two year grant to support five Meals On Wheels programs and the EZ Fix home repair program.Augusta, ME
2018Maine Association of Nonprofits$10,000To provide operating support for professional development, advocacy, and management resource needs of Maine's nonprofit organizations.Portland, ME
2018Maine Cancer Foundation$150,000To create the John T. Gorman Cancer Fund, which will support organizations and programs that are working to reduce cancer incidence and mortality in Maine and/or to support cancer patients.Falmouth, ME
2018Maine Community Action Association$160,000Two year grant to support Maine seniors' ability to age-in-place through home repairs, weatherization services, and home modifications based on mobility issues.East Wilton, ME
2018Maine Community Action Association$240,000Two year grant to support six transportation programs serving Maine seniors in under-served areas.East Wilton, ME
2018Maine Community Foundation$21,500To fund work with the Data Innovation Project, who will provide support, training, and technical assitance to MCF's cohort of Early Childhood Planning grantees.Portland, ME
2018Maine Equal Justice Partners$95,000To support the Invest in Tomorrow initiative, a diverse group of stakeholders working to develop and publish policy recommendations with the goal of increasing economic opportunities for Maine families in poverty.Augusta, ME
2018Maine Inside Out$48,500To support Maine Inside Out's Leadership Council, which is a year-long effort to develop the leadership, professional experience and social capital of formerly incarcerated older youth.Portland, ME
2018Maine Public Broadcasting Corporation$25,000To support the broadcasting of stories/reports that focus on the issues facing one of the Foundation's priority populations: older vulnerable youth.Lewiston, ME
2018Maine Quality Counts$30,000To complete a one-year research study that examines the primary and secondary drivers of infant mortality in Maine and explores opportunities for improvement.Manchester, ME
2018Maine Seacoast Mission$20,950To support the Mission’s ongoing work with the Data Innovation Project to incorporate better data collection and analysis into its programs and activities for more informed decision making.Bar Harbor, ME
2018Maine Women's Policy Center$60,000To provide support for outreach efforts, working toward the development of an active constituency to support early childhood programs in Maine.Augusta, ME
2018Mercy Hospital$50,000To support two-generation behavioral health interventions and programming at Mercy Hospital's McAuley Residence, a residential treatment home for women with co-occuring substance abuse and mental health diagnoses and their children.Portland, ME
2018MSAD 54$14,850To support a community collaborative in developing a two-year action plan to improve youth outcomes in the Skowhegan region.Skowhegan, ME
2018Muskie School of Public Service$115,000To support year three of the Maine Learn and Earn to Achieve Potential initiative, which helps young people transitioning from foster care, involved with the Juvenile Justice system, or currently/recently homeless to complete high school and transition into post-secondary education or employment.Portland, ME
2018Muskie School of Public Service$75,000To support the work of the Southern Maine Youth Transition Network, to include place-based work with vulnerable older youth in greater Portland and Sanford and youth leadership and engagement work across the Network.Portland, ME
2018Muskie School of Public Service$50,000To increase the number of practioners in Maine who have been trained in Results Based Facilitation and to provide technical assistance, coaching, and programmatic support to the John T. Gorman Fellowship and participating Fellows.Portland, ME
2018Muskie School of Public Service$20,000To provide funds for the Data Innovation Project to work with The Opportunity Alliance to document their process and progress toward implementing an agency-wide RBA approach to their work.Portland, ME
2018Muskie School of Public Service$75,000To support the Maine Youth Justice Continuum of Care Road Map -- a blueprint for the creation of a system of in-home, community-based, and evidence-based out-of-home services for youth in Maine as an alternative to incarceration.Portland, ME
2018NAMI Maine$50,000To provide support for general operations.Augusta, ME
2018New Beginnings$75,000To support a statewide Youth Action Board, with representation from youth with lived experience of homeless, juvenile justice, and child welfare systems, which will advocate for policy/system change across sectors to improve the lives of Maine's vulnerable youth.Lewiston, ME
2018Olympia Snowe Women's Leadership Institute$15,000To support three classes of Olympia's Leaders as they progress through the My Values, My Voice, and My Vision program at Lewiston High School during the 2018 / 2019 academic year.Portland, ME
2018Oxford County Mental Health Services$200,000Two year grant to engage Oxford County schools in becoming trauma-informed and integrate resiliency-building into school culture.Rumford, ME
2018Pine Tree Legal Assistance$315,000Two year grant to support the existing medical-legal lead hazard partnership in Lewiston and to replication the project in the Portland area.Portland, ME
2018Portland Housing Authority$100,000To replicate Bangor Housing Authority's successful enhanced Family Self Sufficiency program at the Portland Housing Authority.Portland, ME
2018Preble Street$60,000To support non-partisan advocacy and education efforts and to organize people with the lived experiences of homelessness and hunger to inform voters, policy makers, and service providers.Portland, ME
2018Restorative Justice Project of the Midcoast$19,500To support, and to leverage a Department of Corrections investment in, a Lewiston-based Youth Court Early Intervention and Equal Opportunity Diversion program.Belfast, ME
2018Safe Families for Children Alliance$50,000To support the staffing costs for one to two positions charged with overseeing referrals, supervising family coaches, and connecting children and families to referral sources.Chicago, IL
2018Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship Research Institute$450,000Three year grant to support the Promise Scholar program -- which combines college scholarships with personal support, leadership opportunities, and career development -- for new cohorts in 2018, 2019, and 2020.Portland, ME
2018Sunrise County Economic Council$71,000To support their role as an organizational partner for Family Futures Downeast, a two-generational program that combines post-secondary and career programming for Washington County parents with early childhood education for their children.Machias, ME
2018Sunrise County Economic Council$50,000To support the continued evaluation of Family Futures Downeast, a two-generational program that combines post-secondary and career programming for Washington County parents with early childhood education for their children.Machias, ME
2018Sunrise Opportunities$100,000To support their role as an organizational partner for Family Futures Downeast, a two-generational program that combines post-secondary and career programming for Washington County parents with early childhood education for their children.Machias, ME
2018The University of Maine System$60,000Two year grant to identify and match seniors needing support with volunteers who will provide weekly visits, occasional necessary transportation, and information on resources and programs that support independent living.Orono, ME
2018Tree Street Youth$20,000To support the Sequoia Juvenile Justice Initiative, a juvenile diversion prgram in Lewiston, Maine.Lewiston, ME
2018United Way of Greater Portland$120,000To provide support for ConnectED, a “cradle to career” Portland-based approach focused around 5 key results: kindergarten readiness, 3rd grade reading proficiency, 8th grade math proficiency, high school graduation, and post-secondary completion.Portland, ME
2018United Way of Greater Portland$25,000To support Women United and their two-generation work in Portland's East Bayside neighborhood.Portland, ME
2018United Way of Greater Portland$150,000To support Starting Strong, a subcommittee of ConnectED's cradle-to-career initiative, supporting Portland's students ages 0-8 in the areas of grade-level reading, school readiness, and summer learning.Portland, ME
2018United Way of Greater Portland$100,000To support Thrive2027's initatives advancing grade level reading by third grade and education and employment opportunities in Greater Portland.Portland, ME
2018United Way of Greater Portland$125,000To serve as a match for new contributions to UWGP's Thrive2027 efforts to advance grade level reading by third grade and increase education and employment opportunities in Greater Portland.Portland, ME
2018United Way of Greater Portland$15,000To support United Way of Greater Portland's 2018 Annual Campaign.Portland, ME
2018University of Maine School of Law Foundation$197,000Two year grant to support the Juvenile Justice Reform Project, which develops and advocates for key reforms needed to ensure that youth involved in Maine's juvenile justice system can become successful adults.Portland, ME
2018University of Maine System - New Ventures Maine$250,000To enable New Ventures Maine to serve as the backbone organization for CA$H Maine, a statewide collaboration of ten regional CA$H Coalitions that delivers financial education, coaching, and matched savings programs to low-income Maine families.Augusta, Maine
2018University of Southern Maine Foundation$75,000To support the Promise Scholarship Program, which supports Maine's low-income, primarily first-generation, students by providing financial aid and guidance to succeed in college.Portland, ME
2018Western Maine Community Action$50,000To provide support to Healthy Neighborhoods for their work in Lewiston's Tree Street Neighborhood as related to the CHOICE federal Housing and Urban Development grant.East Wilton, ME
2017Annie E. Casey Foundation$75,000To provide technical assistance for Learn, Earn, Achieve Potential (LEAP) sites nationally.Baltimore, MD
2017Aspen Institute$50,000To support the engagement of southern rural Maine in the Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund grantee network.Washington, DC
2017Axiom Education and Training Center$120,000To provide support for Family Futures Downeast's Collaborative Project.Machias, ME
2017Bangor Housing Authority$250,000To support Families Forward, a two generation approach to improving outcomes for children, parents and families.Bangor, ME
2017Bangor Housing Authority$50,000To support summer programming with the goal of preventing summer learning loss and maintaining literacy achievement for youth.Bangor, ME
2017Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maine$50,000To support the Brain Gain Read! Summer Learning Loss Prevention Program.Portland, ME
2017Community Concepts$18,000To support pre-planning work for the HUD Choice Neighborhood application in Lewiston; including the development of a Physical Needs Assessment of the Maple Knolls Apartments and resident and community meetings.Lewiston, ME
2017Community Concepts$180,000To support an eighteen month expansion of workforce initiative efforts, including support for a project director and coach.Lewiston, ME
2017Community Concepts$175,000To support neighborhood capacity among organziations and residents in the Tree Street Neighborhood as the community works toward neighborhood revitalization.Lewiston, ME
2017Council for a Strong America$55,000To support the Right from the Start Coalition's early care and education policies to increase quality, access, and affordability.Topsham, ME
2017Educate Maine$50,000To support the development and distributribution of the 2017 Education Indicators for Maine report and two related policy briefs.Portland, ME
2017Educate Maine$98,000To provide support for the expanded implementation of Count ME In.Portland, ME
2017Goodwill Industries of Northern New England$100,000To support the Gateway to Opportunity program, which connects low-income youth to paid summer learning opportunities.Portland, ME
2017Green and Healthy Homes Initiative$131,000To support the delivery of comprehensive housing assessment and intervention services to low-income families.Baltimore, MD
2017Green and Healthy Homes Initiative$16,500To support GHHI's grant writing and technical assistance work in preparation of the City of Lewiston's application to the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for Lead Hazard Reduction funding.Baltimore, MD
2017Intercultural Community Center$50,000To support a summer academic enrichment program targeted to served the needs of immigrant children in Portland and Westbrook.Westbrook, ME
2017Island Institute$100,000To support broadband expansion to island and coastal communities in Maine.Rockland, ME
2017Lewiston Public Schools$77,000To support enhancements to the Integrated Supports / Response to Intervention System at Montello Elementary.Lewiston, ME
2017Lewiston Public Schools$113,000To fund a Restorative Practices Coordinator at Lewiston High School as well as youth stipends, staff stipends, and training to support the coordinator in implementation of a culturally competent system of Restorative Practices.Lewiston, ME
2017Maine Association of Nonprofits$10,000For general operating support.Portland, ME
2017Maine Children's Alliance$50,000To support the development of a comprehensive policy platform to improve the quality of early learning experiences for all Maine children.Augusta, ME
2017Maine Equal Justice Partners$50,000For general operating support.Augusta, ME
2017Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services$15,400To support organizational planning, human resource management, and governance / financial systems.Lewiston, ME
2017Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services$50,000For general operating support.Lewiston, ME
2017Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services$25,000To to support upgrades to their new community center.Lewiston, ME
2017Maine Philanthropy Center$19,000For general operating support, sponsorship of the 2018 Philanthropy Partners Conference in May, and to support the work of the advocacy commitee.Portland, ME
2017Muskie School of Public Service$80,000To support their technical assistance to Foundation grantees, including Portland ConnectED, Starting Strong, Summer learning sites, and Maine Sea Coast Mission.Portland, ME
2017Muskie School of Public Service$115,000To support Year 2 of Maine's Learn and Earn to Achieve Potential (LEAP) Social Innovation Fund Initiative.Portland, ME
2017National Conference of State Legislatures Foundation$30,000To provide sponsorship for a two generation conference in Maine.Denver, CO
2017Olympia Snowe Women's Leadership Institute$50,000To provide support for the "My Vision" class of young women leaders.Portland, ME
2017Penquis$25,000To provide support for the Piscataquis Safe Havens Center.Bangor, ME
2017Portland Public Schools$26,136To support a partnership between King Middle School and four other Maine schools to adopt an interdisciplinary, experiential-based model for teaching and learning.Portland, ME
2017Preble Street$296,000To support Preble Street's First Place, a transition-in-place housing program for homeless youth, and for the expansion of the transition-in-place model through the Maine Transitional Living Collaborative.Portland, ME
2017Preble Street$65,000To provide support for the transition of the older youth at the First Place Transitional Housing program into stable housing.Portland, ME
2017Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship Research Institute$260,000To provide ten Promise Scholars with scholarships each year for four years as well as wrap-around supports to expand academic and career opportunities.Portland, ME
2017Sunrise County Economic Council$100,000To support low-income families in Washington County through a two-generational approach to post-secondary education and early childhood education.Machias, ME
2017Sunrise County Economic Council$50,000To support an evaluation of the Family Futures Downeast initiative.Machias, ME
2017Sunrise Opportunities$100,000To provide general operating support for the Community Caring Collaborative.Machias, ME
2017Telling Room$29,950To provide project-based summer literacy programming and creative writing instruction to English Language Learners and other under-resourced elementary and middle school students in the Greater Portland and Bangor areas.Portland, ME
2017The Urban Institute$99,990To support the adaption of key components of the Urban Housing, Opportunity, and Service Together model to enhance and track outcomes for the Bangor Housing's Families Forward program.Washington, DC
2017Tree Street Youth$25,000For general operating support.Lewiston, ME
2017Tree Street Youth$20,000To support the Sequoia Juvenile Justice Program.Lewiston, ME
2017United Way of Greater Portland$25,000To support the Women United two generation strategy.Portland, ME
2017United Way of Greater Portland$141,000To enable UWGP to serve as the backbone organization for the Greater Portland Workforce Initiative.Portland, ME
2017United Way of Greater Portland$175,000To support Starting Strong's strategies in 2017-2018.Portland, ME
2017United Way of Greater Portland$100,000To support Portland Public School's development and implementation of district-wide social-emotional learning strategies.Portland, ME
2017United Way of Greater Portland$100,000To support Portland Public School's development and implementation of district-wide equity in learning strategies.Portland, ME
2017United Way of Greater Portland$150,000To serve as a match for new and increased 2017 Annual Campaign pledges.Portland, ME
2017United Way of Greater Portland$15,000Support for United Way's 2017 Annual Campaign.Portland, ME
2017University of Maine School of Law Foundation$83,000To support juvenile justice reforms regarding sealed records, age appropriate mental intent standards, creation of a continuum of care, and the creation of the Maine Center for Juvenile Policy and Law.Portland, ME
2017University Of Maine System - New Ventures Maine$250,000To provide support to continue and expand the work of the Maine CA$H coalitions in advancing financial capability of Maine families.Augusta, ME
2017University System of New Hampshire - Carsey School of Public Policy$24,097To support a data scan related to Head Start and Early Head Start programs across the state of Maine.Durham, NH
2017University System of New Hampshire - Carsey School of Public Policy$46,353To support the production of a Maine demographic analysis and a policy scan relevant to the Foundation's priority areas.Durham, NH
2017University System of New Hampshire - Carsey School of Public Policy$42,976To support the production of three publications and an overview all focused on older youth transition to adulthood.Durham, NH
2016AARP Foundation$100,000A two year grant to support AARP Maine's engagement of local organizations and citizens over the age of 50, and to create additional infrastructure to support localities investing in preparing for aging residents.Washington, DC
2016Alfond Scholarship Foundation$50,000For a systematic and objective evaluation of its Children's Savings Account program, the Harold Alfond College Challenge.Portland, ME
2016Alfond Youth Center$49,970For community-based summer programming to address summer learning loss in Bangor's Capehart neighborhood.Bangor, ME
2016Augusta Food Bank$50,000To support service expansion in the Augusta area.Augusta, ME
2016Augusta Public Schools$9,586For community-based programming to address summer learning loss in Augusta.Augusta, ME
2016Avesta Housing Development Corporation$32,000For the Maine Affordable Housing Coalition to support outreach and education work on lead poisoning prevention and affordable senior housing, as well as an update to senior housing research.Portland, ME
2016Axiom Education and Training Center$150,000To support programming for post-secondary readiness activities for prospective participants in Family Futures Downeast, a two-generation program in Washington County.Machias, ME
2016Bath Housing Development Corporation$25,000To provide comprehensive technical assistance services to four Maine Public Housing Authorities as they replicate Bath Housing’s Community Aging in Place Program.Bath, ME
2016Bath Housing Development Corporation$40,000A two year grant for the Community Aging in Place program to increase the housing stability of low-income, elderly homeowners in the greater Bath, Maine region by increasing safety, minimizing the maintenance burden, and lengthening tenure in their own homes.Bath, ME
2016Boy Scouts of America$15,750To provide support for the Scout Program Aid Initiative in six scouting units in under-served Maine communities.Raymond, ME
2016Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maine$38,315For community-based summer programming to address summer learning loss in Lewiston, Portland and South Portland.Portland, ME
2016City of Lewiston$150,000To provide training in entry level construction trades to individuals with low-incomes, including parents, New Mainers, and veterans.Lewiston, ME
2016City of Portland$16,963For community-based summer programming to address summer learning loss in Portland.Portland, ME
2016Community Concepts$224,000To support data analysis, the ability to conduct a strategic analysis of its housing capacity, and greater efficiency in transportation scheduling.Lewiston, ME
2016Educate Maine$50,000To develop and distribute the Education Indicators for Maine 2016 report and to support the production of three policy briefs.Portland, ME
2016Foundation for a Strong Maine Economy$40,000For FocusMaine, which works to advance and strengthen new economic sectors in Maine.Augusta, ME
2016Goodwill Industries of Northern New England$88,000To support the Take2 program, which provides career pathways and opportunities to build community connections for disconnected youth in Lewiston-Auburn.Portland, ME
2016Goodwill Industries of Northern New England$95,011For the Gateway to Opportunity pilot, an employability initiative offering at- risk youth meaningful, work-based learning projects during the summer months.Portland, ME
2016Green and Healthy Homes Initiative$15,000For grant writing and technical assistance to MaineHousing related to the submission of a 2016 Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control / Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant.Baltimore, MD
2016Intercultural Community Center$40,000For community-based summer programming to address summer learning loss in Westbrook.Westbrook, ME
2016Island Institute$300,000A three year grant to provide business support services to small businesses in rural coastal areas and islands in Maine.Rockland, ME
2016Lewiston Public Schools$304,000A two year grant to support two English Language Learner coaches to implement recommendations from a program evaluation conducted by the Center for Applied Linguistics.Lewiston, ME
2016Lewiston Public Schools$80,118For the Lewiston Campaign for Grade-Level Reading initiative, which works to ensure Lewiston students are reading at grade level by the end of third grade.Lewiston, ME
2016Lydia Home Association$150,000A two year grant to support Safe Families for Children, which arranges homestays for children in families experiencing immediate crises.Whiting, ME
2016Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging$300,000A two year grant to help Maine’s five area agencies on aging meet the growing demand by older adults for access to food and home repair services.Augusta, ME
2016Maine Commission on Indigent Legal Services$17,600To train juvenile defense attorneys.Augusta, ME
2016Maine Community Action Association$240,000A two year grant to support six programs (Community Concepts, KVCAP, Penquis, Waldo CAP, Washington Hancock CAP and York County Cap) that provide transportation for seniors in underserved areas.E. Wilton, ME
2016Maine Community Action Association$160,000A two year grant for repairs to homes of senior Maine residents.E. Wilton, ME
2016Maine Equal Justice Partners$90,000To build a broad base of support for solutions to child poverty by identifying indicators and developing a scorecard to measure outcomes of assistance programs.Augusta, ME
2016Maine Women's Policy Center$80,000To research, write and publish a white paper documenting the current status of key programs that serve children and families, and to support other policy-related activitiesAugusta, ME
2016Mount Blue Regional School District$10,000To provide school-based summer learning programming to address summer learning loss in Farmington.Farmington, ME
2016Muskie School of Public Service$50,000To support Maine LEAP, a coordinated delivery of two evidence based programs to improve education and career outcomes for youth in foster care.Portland, ME
2016Muskie School of Public Service$41,000For the Maine Juvenile Justice Collateral Consequences Report.Portland, ME
2016Muskie School of Public Service$40,000For the Data Innovation Project to provide technical assistance to Foundation-supported projects, including research and data support for Portland ConnectED.Portland, ME
2016Muskie School of Public Service$65,000To support an enhanced level of coordination and organization among all service providers who work with youth in foster care.Portland, ME
2016Muskie School of Public Service$50,000To develop and implement an employer engagement strategy to address youth workforce development in Maine.Portland, ME
2016Muskie School of Public Service$75,000To continue the implementation of the Aspen Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund work in Southern Maine as part of the Southern Maine Youth Transition Network.Portland, ME
2016Olympia Snowe Women's Leadership Institute$50,000For the Androscoggin County beta class of 49 juniors as they begin year two of the leadership program, which is focused on helping participants learn effective communication skills.Portland, ME
2016Penquis$140,000To increase the quality of family, friend and neighbor care in Bangor’s Capehart community.Bangor, ME
2016Sanford Public Schools$10,000To support community- based summer programming to address summer learning loss in Sanford.Sanford, ME
2016Sunrise County Economic Council$200,000For Family Futures Downeast, a two – generation education and workforce training opportunity for low – income parents in Washington County.Machias, ME
2016Sunrise County Economic Council$89,930To identify new opportunities for Maine Tribes to better represent and serve their most vulnerable families through Wabanaki Aspirations, a collaborative entity that supports and incubates responsive, culturally competent services.Machias, ME
2016The Opportunity Alliance$100,000To provide support for business intelligence through the development of a data analytic infrastructure.South Portland, ME
2016The Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce$82,320To support enhanced and expanded services for low-to- moderate-income individuals in Portland by providing employment case management, workshops, networking events, job fairs and job classes.Portland, ME
2016The University of Maine System$60,000A two-year grant to expand the capacity of staff to identify and accommodate the needs of the disabled aging population in the region.Bangor, ME
2016Tree Street Youth$50,000For capital funding support to expand the existing facility.Lewiston, ME
2016United Way of Greater Portland$175,000For Starting Strong, Portland’s Campaign for Grade-Level Reading initiative, which works to ensure Portland students are reading at grade level by the end of third grade.Portland, ME
2016United Way of Greater Portland$250,000Matching grant for the 2016 Annual Campaign.Portland, ME
2016United Way of Greater Portland$12,500To support the 2016 Annual Campaign.Portland, ME
2016University of Maine School of Law Foundation$31,000For the Juvenile Justice Reform Project (JJRP), through which law students and faculty will research, develop, and advocate for several key reforms needed to ensure that children involved in the Maine juvenile justice system have a successful transition away from that system and into adulthood.Portland, ME
2016University Of Maine System - New Ventures Maine$10,000To provide coordinated financial education, career planning training and individual coaching to help meet individual and program goals for Family Self- Sufficiency Programs at the Bangor Housing Authority and Lewiston Housing Authority.Augusta, ME
2016University of New England$93,500To provide support to develop a comprehensive, state-wide plan to address the impacts of trauma in children and families.Biddeford, ME
2016Western Maine Community Action$35,400For the Healthy Neighborhoods Planning Council, which organizes community members trying to improve housing in downtown Lewiston and Auburn.E. Wilton, ME
2016York County Community Action Corporation$60,000For a feasibility study on establishing an intergenerational day care center that would combine childcare and adult day services at one location.Sanford, ME
2015AARP Foundation$154,000To support AARP Maine's work with communities and nonprofit organizations creating age friendly communities.Washington, DC
2015Alfond Youth Center$44,600To implement the Smarter Summer Program at the Bangor chapter of the Boys and Girls Clubs.Bangor, ME
2015Avesta Housing Development Corporation$25,000For general operating support for the Maine Affordable Housing Coalition.Portland, ME
2015Avesta Housing Development Corporation$25,000To support Maine Affordable Housing Coalition's advocacy efforts regarding the implementation of Maine's new lead poisoning prevention law.Portland, ME
2015Bath Housing Development Corporation$156,375To support the Community Aging in Place Program to increase housing stability for low-income, disabled and elderly homeowners.Bath, ME
2015Biddeford School Department$26,400To pilot a school-based mental health clinician model.Biddeford, ME
2015Boy Scouts of America$15,750To expand services to boys with low-incomes in Portland, Biddeford and Saco; and to allocate additional resources for Somali youth in Lewiston.Raymond, ME
2015Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maine$35,000To address summer learning loss by implementing the Brain Gain Reads program for students entering grades K through 3 in Portland, South Portland and Lewiston/Auburn.Portland, ME
2015City of Portland$14,750To incorporate literacy-related programming into Camp Play-All-Day, a summer program serving up to 150 children entering first and second grade.Portland, ME
2015Coastal Enterprises, Inc.$55,250To support activities for the second year of the Portland Jobs Alliance.Brunswick, ME
2015College for ME Androscoggin$45,000To support its effots to increase post-secondary attendance and completion in Androscoggin County.Lewiston, ME
2015Council for a Strong America$30,000To develop a model for linking non-traditional advocates (admirals, generals, police, and business leaders) with early childhood issues.Topsham, ME
2015Council for a Strong America$55,000For early childhood education and child care advocacy.Topsham, ME
2015Educate Maine$147,000To act as the fiscal sponsor for the Maine Early Learning Investment Group early care and education pilot in Somerset County.Portland, ME
2015Educate Maine$25,000For general operating support.Portland, ME
2015Educate Maine$198,000Two year grant to serve as the fiscal sponsor for Count Me In, an initiative focused on partnering with school districts and communities to decrease chronic absenteeism by implementing evidence-based practices.Portland, ME
2015Foundation for Maine's Community Colleges$100,000To support Family Futures Downeast.South Portland, ME
2015Foundation for Maine's Community Colleges$40,646To support an automotive technician training program.South Portland, ME
2015Green and Healthy Homes Initiative$18,000To support the staff time and research needed to bolster the case for receipt of a Lead Hazard Control Grant to the State of Maine.Baltimore, MD
2015Jobs for Maine's Graduates$25,000To support the new position of JMG Transition Specialist, which helps youth in the Foster Care system successfully complete high school and transition to, persist in, and complete post-secondary education.Augusta, ME
2015Jobs for Maine's Graduates$250,000Two year grant to pilot a retention program at four public university and community college campuses, targeting youth in foster care, non-traditional students who have obtained a high school equivalency diploma through alternative education within the past five years, and students who have been enrolled in high school programs offered by JMG.Augusta, ME
2015Jobs for Maine's Graduates$360,000Three year grant to expand the Opportunity Passport matched savings program in Maine.Augusta, ME
2015LearningWorks$51,000To support a summer learning program that reflects research-based best practices.Portland, ME
2015Lewiston Public Schools$140,800To support a summer learning program that reflects research-based best practices.Lewiston, ME
2015Lewiston Public Schools$123,090To make programmatic and instructional improvements, that reflect best practices, to the adult English for Speakers of Other Languages programs.Lewiston, ME
2015Lewiston Public Schools$99,000To pilot an approach at Montello School that will integrate school and community interventions to help children (and their families) succeed and increase third grade reading proficiency.Lewiston, ME
2015Lewiston Public Schools$25,000To support the Campaign for Grade Level Reading.Lewiston, ME
2015Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging$35,000Two year grant to support the creation of a Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging for Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.Augusta, ME
2015Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries$300,000Three year grant for the Eastern Maine Skipper’s Program, which provides multiple pathways to high school graduation for at-risk students interested in marine related careers.Stonington, ME
2015Maine Children's Alliance$42,000For capacity building.Augusta, ME
2015Maine Equal Justice Partners$20,000For capacity building and technical assistance.Augusta, ME
2015Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services$20,000Two year grant to provide cultural brokering and interpretation services for a juvenile justice collaborative in Lewiston.Lewiston, ME
2015Muskie School of Public Service$119,500Two year grant to support the Southern Maine Youth Transition Network’s implementation plan to provide comprehensive, coordinated supports and opportunities to vulnerable older youth.Portland, ME
2015My Place Teen Center$12,000To develop an outcomes data and measurement system.Westbrook, ME
2015Olympia Snowe Women's Leadership Institute$50,000To launch a year-long leadership program for 10th grade girls in Androscoggin County.Portland, ME
2015Oxford Hills School District$50,000To provide a summer learning program that reflects research-based best practices.Oxford, ME
2015Penquis$25,000For the Good Neighbor Fund, which is specifically targeted to Maine communities with unexpected heating needs due to recent mill closings.Bangor, ME
2015Penquis$200,000To provide funding for the Maine Family Development Account Program.Bangor, ME
2015Peregrine Corp.$20,000To support the renovation and repair needs for their South Portland building.South Portland, ME
2015Pine Tree Legal Assistance$180,000Two year grant to support the KIDS LEGAL Fellowship, focused on issues related to the successful transition of vulnerable older youth to adulthood.Portland, ME
2015Portland Adult Education$172,985To make programmatic and instructional improvements, that reflect best practices, to the adult English for Speakers of Other Languages programs.Portland, ME
2015Portland Adult Education$94,000To enhance and expand services for low- to moderate-income individuals in Portland.Portland, ME
2015Portland Public Library$8,000To launch a series of book discussions on the national bestselling book Being Mortal, which deals with end-of-life issues.Portland, ME
2015Portland Public Schools$100,000To provide a summer learning program that reflects research-based best practices.Portland, ME
2015Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce$10,000To support the Growing Portland initiative and the continued planning and implementation of the economic development work plan for Portland and the region.Portland, ME
2015Preble Street$50,000To support the Emergency Food Program.Portland, ME
2015Seeds of Independence$75,000To support progress towards building a sustainable program model and towards enhancing collaboration with partners.Brunswick, ME
2015Southern Maine Community College Foundation$39,800To support MySuccess in the 2016-2017 school year.South Portland, ME
2015Sunrise Opportunities$390,000Two year grant to help Community Caring Collaborative maintain the necessary infrastructure to continue to support children and families in Washington County.Machias, ME
2015The Opportunity Alliance$80,000For capacity building.South Portland, ME
2015The Root Cellar$36,000To support the Rooted Juvenile Diversion Program.Portland, ME
2015Tree Street Youth$120,000To support the implementation of a Juvenile Justice Reporting Center.Lewiston, ME
2015Trinity Jubilee Center$15,525For philanthropy and fundraising technical assistance.Lewiston, ME
2015United Way of Greater Portland$75,000To support Starting Strong - a community based effort to improve academic achievemnet.Portland, ME
2015United Way of Greater Portland$63,500For capacity building related to the Community Goal Setting Process and Implementation.Portland, ME
2015United Way of Greater Portland$250,000Matching grant for the 2015 Annual Campaign.Portland, ME
2015United Way of Greater Portland$25,000To support the Campaign for Grade Level Reading.Portland, ME
2015United Way of Greater Portland$12,500To support the 2015 Annual Campaign.Portland, ME
2015University of Maine School of Law Foundation$45,000To support the Clinic's work helping unaccompanied refugee and immigrant youth.Portland, ME
2015Washington Hancock Community Agency$61,000To support the At Home Downeast program.Ellsworth, ME
2015Wayside Food Programs$50,000To provide supplemental food for individuals being impacted by a change in food voucher benefits.Portland, ME
2014AARP Foundation$75,000To provide technical assistance to Maine communities that are planning for the needs of Maine’s aging population.Washington, DC
2014Alfond Scholarship Foundation$12,000To provide matching funds for families with children participating in Head Start who open college savings accounts.Portland, ME
2014Androscoggin Head Start and Child Care$18,000To help families prepare to enroll in the Harold Alfond College Challenge savings program and to provide ongoing education and support to families.Lewiston, ME
2014Aspen Institute$200,000Three year grant to support the Southern Maine Youth Transition Network's efforts to build and expand pathways to opportunity for Southern Maine’s disadvantaged youth and young adults.Washington, DC
2014Avesta Housing Development Corporation$31,500To research the availability, quality and affordability of housing for Maine’s seniors and assess senior housing needs in the coming years.Portland, ME
2014Avesta Housing Development Corporation$25,000To provide for conceptual site plans and a study for the redevelopment of land to allow for the expansion of services to people with low income.Portland, ME
2014Axiom Education and Training Center$410,000Two year grant to pilot a new strategy for coordinating small business development and Adult Education in the Greater Machias region.Machias, ME
2014Bangor Housing Authority$385,000Three year grant to enhance its Family Self-Sufficiency Program through case management services that connect residents with the workforce or education and training opportunities as well as other asset building services.Bangor, ME
2014Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy$100,000To connect teen mentors to young children learning to read through the establishment of 20 Teen Trendsetter programs in Maine.Limington, ME
2014Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maine$46,800To address summer learning loss through the implementation of Brain Gain Reads, a program focused on literacy enrichment for students K – 3.Portland, ME
2014Brandeis University$387,000Three year grant to provide technical assistance to and evaluation of expanded Family Self Sufficiency and Family, Friend and Neighbor Care programs.Waltham, MA
2014Center for Applied Linguistics$14,610To design and conduct an evaluation of Portland Public School System’s Adult Education English Language Learner Program.Washington, DC
2014Coastal Enterprises, Inc.$75,106To support employer outreach, data maintenance and the coordination of partnerships within the Portland Jobs Alliance.Brunswick, ME
2014Cultivating Community$20,000For a community initiative that promotes access to locally grown and healthy foods in Portland Public Schools.Portland, ME
2014Educate Maine$99,000To act as fiscal sponsor for the implementation team of Count ME In, a data-driven community based model to address the problem of chronic absenteeism in Maine.Portland, ME
2014Educate Maine$40,000To provide support for the 2015 Education Indicators for Maine Report and organizational operating costs.Portland, ME
2014Foundation for a Strong Maine Economy$50,000To support the Maine Economic Focus Initiative, which will undertake the data-gathering and analysis needed to target a small number of industries that have the potential to revitalize Maine’s economy and provide opportunities for family sustaining wages.Augusta, ME
2014Good Willl Home Association$65,000To provide funding for the College Step Up program, supporting youth aging out of foster care by providing year-round housing, academic coaching and life skills education while they attend Kennebec Valley Community College.Hinckley, ME
2014Green and Healthy Homes Initiative$256,000Two year grant to provide technical assistance and staffing support to GHHI Lewiston/Auburn as they work to integrate resources and provide services that improve housing quality and resident outcomes.Baltimore, MD
2014Kennebec Valley Community Action Program$14,000To help families enroll in the Harold Alfond College Challenge savings program, as well as to provide ongoing education and support to families.Waterville, ME
2014LearningWorks$19,000In supplemental funding for the implementation of a summer learning program in Biddeford aimed at addressing summer learning loss.Portland, ME
2014LearningWorks$42,000To address summer learning loss for students entering grades K through 3 in the Biddeford Public Schools.Portland, ME
2014Legal Services for the Elderly$539,000Three year grant to support a statewide public awareness and education campaign focused on elder maltreatment, and to ensure that all victims who contact LSE for services receive the help that they need.Augusta, ME
2014Lewiston Public Schools$47,860To contract with the Center for Applied Linguistics to do a complete review of their pre-kindergarten to adult English Language Learner Programs.Lewiston, ME
2014Lewiston Public Schools$23,850To secure technical assistance from the National Summer Learning Association in order to conduct a community-wide assessment of existing summer resources; implement a data-driven system that enables local organizations, funders and other stakeholders to work together more effectively; and shape programs and policies to better meet the community’s needs.Lewiston, ME
2014Lewiston Public Schools$100,000To address summer learning loss for students entering grades K through 3.Lewiston, ME
2014Lewiston Public Schools$24,000To provide supplemental funding for the implementation of a summer learning program aimed at addressing summer learning loss.Lewiston, ME
2014Maine Association of Nonprofits$10,000Two year grant to provide general operating support.Portland, ME
2014Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault$48,552To conduct a statewide needs assessment and develop an associated action plan regarding human trafficking and exploitation.Augusta, ME
2014Maine Equal Justice Partners$75,000To support advocacy efforts focused on improving federal and state programs that connect Maine people with low income to educational and employment opportunities.Augusta, ME
2014Maine Hospice Council$20,250To provide funding to sustain the ongoing work of the program.Augusta, ME
2014Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services$15,000To provide general operating support.Lewiston, ME
2014Muskie School of Public Service$75,000To support the Southern Maine Youth Transition Network’s Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund implementation plan.Portland, ME
2014Muskie School of Public Service$331,000To improve the quality of child care programs in Maine by supporting providers pursuing national accreditation.Portland, ME
2014New Beginnings$175,000To provide a permanent home for New Beginnings’ Youth Drop-In Center, Outreach Program, and agency administrative offices, as well as the ability to provide increased educational programming for homeless youth.Lewiston, ME
2014Oxford Hills School District$24,000To provide supplemental funding for the implementation of a summer learning program aimed at addressing summer learning loss.Oxford, ME
2014Oxford Hills School District$50,000To address summer learning loss for students entering grades K through 3.Oxford, ME
2014Pine Tree Legal Assistance$585,000Three year grant to support a medical-legal partnership intended to reduce lead paint exposure and poisoning among children in Lewiston.Portland, ME
2014Portland Adult Education$104,100To support employment case management services, to provide soft skills and job readiness skills employment workshops, and to expand the hours for the John T. Gorman Computer Lab to serve waitlisted students and job seekers.Portland, ME
2014Portland Public Schools$15,000To provide supplemental funding for the implementation of a summer learning program aimed at addressing summer learning loss.Portland, ME
2014Portland Public Schools$100,000To address summer learning loss for students entering grades K through 3.Portland, ME
2014Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce$10,000To provide organizational and staffing support for Growing Portland, a collaborative effort among universities, businesses, research institutions and others to create and implement an economic development work plan for Portland and the region.Portland, ME
2014Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce$82,320To provide organizational and staffing support for the Portland Workforce Initiative, which seeks to create a coordinated continuum of education, training and other services designed to connect marginalized, unemployed populations to employment opportunities in Portland.Portland, ME
2014Seeds of Independence$150,000To support disadvantaged youth by enhancing Seeds’ volunteer-based programs, enhance measurement criteria and data collection to assess impact and strengthen programs, and expand efforts to develop collaborations.Brunswick, ME
2014Southern Maine Community College Foundation$125,000Two year grant to provide for a bridge program called MySuccess for youth transitioning from Portland Public Schools to SMCC in the fall of 2014 and 2015.South Portland, ME
2014The Opportunity Alliance$70,400To support the technical assistance needed to bring and fully integrate a Results Based Accountability framework throughout the organization.South Portland, ME
2014The Opportunity Alliance$162,000To secure technical assistance to analyze current business practices and implement best practice recommendations agency-wide.South Portland, ME
2014The Opportunity Alliance$16,000To help families enroll in the Harold Alfond College Challenge savings program, as well as to provide ongoing education and support to families.South Portland, ME
2014United Way of Greater Portland$200,000Two year grant to support Portland ConnectEd, a cross-sector partnership committed to building a citywide cradle-to-career infrastructure and culture to support high quality education.Portland, ME
2014United Way of Greater Portland$50,000To support Starting Strong’s priority strategies that have a significant impact on third grade reading proficiency, school readiness, attendance, and summer learning.Portland, ME
2014United Way of Greater Portland$75,000To provide staffing and other support to Starting Strong, an initiative in Portland to increase third grade reading proficiency.Portland, ME
2014United Way of Greater Portland$12,500To support the 2014/2015 annual campaign.Portland, ME
2014United Way of Greater Portland$41,000To implement the Feeding Bodies Feeding Minds program, to support summer learning awareness activities, and to conduct a summer learning community scan.Portland, ME
2014University of Maine System - New Ventures Maine$860,000Three year grant to build the capacity of CA$H Coalitions statewide to help families become more financially stable, to enhance access to financial training services and products, and to support the creation of a policy and research agenda.Augusta, ME
2014University System of New Hampshire - Carsey School of Public Policy$50,300To produce a data report about the well-being of Maine’s seniors.Durham, NH
2014Western Maine Community Action$95,000Two year grant to support a federal match for the Keeping Seniors Home program and to develop a long-term sustainability plan.East Wilton, ME
2014Women Unlimited$350,000Two year grant to provide skills training, job connections and work supports to low-income individuals in Bangor, Machias and Lewiston and align that training with the workforce needs of local industries.Augusta, ME
2013Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association - Maine Chapter$25,000To provide outreach to physicians, health centers, and community centers statewide and connect with newly diagnosed patients and their families dealing with all stages of Alzheimer's disease or other dementia.Scarborough, ME
2013Bangor Housing Authority$20,000To develop an enhanced Family Self Sufficiency program based on data provided by Brandeis University researchers.Bangor, ME
2013Boy Scouts of America$15,534To support the creation of four new scouting units in underserved subsidized Housing Authority neighborhoods.Raymond, ME
2013Brandeis University$12,100To create a survey and interview guide to help the Bangor Housing Authority develop plans for an enhanced Family Self Sufficiency Program.Waltham, MA
2013Central Maine Area Agency on Aging$76,000To support the development of a community healthcare delivery model that provides integrated medical and social services support to high risk seniors in Lincoln County.Augusta, ME
2013Child and Family Opportunities$87,650To support ongoing professional development for early childhood providers and elementary teachers through a coaching and mentoring model that is informed by a “best practice” assessment tool.Ellsworth, ME
2013Coastal Enterprises, Inc.$600,000A three year grant to develop the organizational infrastructure required to best deploy capital to vulnerable populations in Lewiston, Portland, Machias, and Skowhegan.Brunswick, ME
2013Community Clinical Services$55,000To provide clinical support to children and families at Longley Elementary School and provide technical assistance to school staff.Lewiston, ME
2013Cultivating Community$110,000A two year grant to support the development of transferable job skills and provide new marketing opportunities for New American farmers in the Lewiston-Auburn area through the Business Incubation, Skill Building and Market Development Project and the New American Sustainable Agriculture Project.Portland, ME
2013Eastern Area Agency on Aging$100,000To support the expansion of the EZ Fix program, a year round home repair and independent living program for low-income Maine senior citizens and adults with disabilities.Bangor, ME
2013Educare Central Maine$75,000A three year grant to support the “Shared Services Model,” a web-based platform for licensed child care providers to share costs and access national discounts and professional resources, including training and technical assistance.Waterville, ME
2013Foundation for Maine's Community Colleges$131,200To redesign and strengthen its student academic support services by creating a student success center that offers advising, tutoring, and testing services.South Portland, ME
2013Four Directions Development Corporation$40,000To support research and evaluation of public and private investments in various affordable housing lending products on Indian Island and their impact on residents.Orono, ME
2013Jim Casey Youth Opportunities$50,000To support the Maine Youth Transition Collaborative, an effort focused on increasing educational and employment success for youth transitioning from foster care into adulthood.St. Louis, MO
2013Kennebec Valley Community Action Program$75,830To provide support and technical assistance for Waterville’s Project 2020, a community-driven plan aimed at increasing third grade reading proficiency informed by the National Grade Level Reading Campaign model.Waterville, ME
2013King Middle School$15,000To provide support for teachers to attend trainings and for continued implementation of Student Centered Assessments to help raise math and reading scores of underserved students.Portland, ME
2013LearningWorks$31,526To support a summer learning program aimed at addressing potential summer learning loss in Biddeford public schools.Portland, ME
2013Legal Services for the Elderly$75,000To provide support for the creation of a handbook and media campaign to help low-income seniors become more aware of financial exploitation.Augusta, ME
2013Lewiston Public Schools$100,000To provide support for participation in the National Grade Level Reading Campaign and develop a community-wide approach to improve 3rd grade reading proficiency.Lewiston, ME
2013Lewiston Public Schools$76,972To support a summer learning program aimed at addressing potential summer learning loss in Lewiston public schools.Lewiston, ME
2013Lewiston-Auburn Area Housing Development Corporation$50,000To develop and fund a security deposit loan program for low-income and/or homeless families who need assistance with security deposits.Lewiston, ME
2013Lydia Home Association$180,000Three year grant to expand programming to serve the Lewiston, Auburn and Portland area and provide temporary supports for children when their families experience periods of substantial stress.Whiting, ME
2013Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging$27,000To support Maine Council on Aging’s efforts to begin the coordination of round table discussions on Aging in Maine.Augusta, ME
2013Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging$265,000To expand the Money Minders program and for training community health workers to help Maine seniors age in place.Augusta, ME
2013Maine Children's Trust$78,000To support the promotion of family engagement in child care programs by using a Strengthening Families model and Maine Roads to Quality resources to improve the quality of early care and education for children in Maine.Hallowell, ME
2013Maine People's Resource Center$60,000To support education and outreach regarding federal funding for Medicaid expansion.Portland, ME
2013Maine People's Resource Center$20,000To support Lewiston Community Voices Project to engage low-income Lewiston residents in redevelopment efforts.Portland, ME
2013Maine School Administrative District 75$39,000To support mental health services available to high school students with limited or no health insurance.Topsham, ME
2013Many Flags$150,000To support capacity building toward their long-term mission of increasing and improving the pathways of education and employment for children, youth and adults in Knox County; and to leverage federal funding through a Promise Neighborhood planning grant.Rockland, ME
2013Mount Blue Regional School District$50,000To support a summer learning program aimed at addressing potential summer learning loss in RSU 09.Farmington, ME
2013Muskie School of Public Service$215,000To support Maine Roads to Quality.Portland, ME
2013Muskie School of Public Service$75,000To support the Maine Youth Transition Collaborative and facilitation of a community mapping process to document and collect outcomes of the promising programs serving youth in Southern Maine.Portland, ME
2013Muskie School of Public Service$73,324To support data and research activities related to helping more Maine youth successfully transition to adulthood.Portland, ME
2013New Beginnings$172,000To support a pilot program working to integrate mental health services for homeless youth in Lewiston.Lewiston, ME
2013Oxford Hills School District$49,984To support a summer learning program aimed at addressing potential summer learning loss in RSU 17.Oxford, ME
2013Pen Bay Healthcare Foundation$35,000To support the construction of a seven-bed Hospice House in Rockland on the Pen Bay Medical Center campus.Rockland, ME
2013Pine Tree Legal Assistance$150,000To support a two-year fellowship for an attorney in the Kids Legal Unit to represent children and their families, particularly in educational matters.Portland, ME
2013Portland Community Health Center$25,000To provide primary care services to the most vulnerable residents of Greater Portland, while working on a business plan that will ensure sustainability.Portland, ME
2013Portland Public Schools$68,000To support the purchase of new technology in the Learning Lab, with the goal of serving ELL students currently on wait-lists.Portland, ME
2013Portland Public Schools$25,000To support the Make It Happen! Program which offers academic support, mentoring, and tutoring to 8th grade English Language Learners.Portland, ME
2013Portland Public Schools$98,710To support a summer learning program aimed at addressing potential summer learning loss in Portland Public Schools.Portland, ME
2013Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce$10,000To support planning and early implementation of an economic development work plan for Portland and the region.Portland, ME
2013Preble Street$813,000Three year grant to support the First Place program, which helps young people experiencing homelessness transition to permanent and stable housing.Portland, ME
2013Restorative Justice Project of the Midcoast$105,000To support restorative community conferences and mentoring services for youth ages 10 to 25 in court proceedings; and to increase community awareness and engagement in restorative justice practices.Belfast, ME
2013RSU 1$27,250To provide technical assistance to local school districts regarding C.H.O.I.C.E.S., a collaborative, community partnership approach to advancing public pre-K.Bath, ME
2013Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship Research Institute$468,000A three year grant to provide post-secondary scholarships, mentoring, and academic supports to youth aging out of foster care and other disadvantaged young people.Portland, ME
2013Southern Maine Agency on Aging$160,000To support programming and training for the staff of two new Adult Day Centers in Falmouth and Biddeford.Scarborough, ME
2013Spurwink Services$30,000To support the use of Every Day Counts a community based model to work with four school districts to improve student attendance.Portland, ME
2013Spurwink Services$300,000A two year grant to support expansion of the Building Assets Reducing Risks program.Portland, ME
2013The Opportunity Alliance$285,000To contract with Metis Associates for technical assistance to develop the technological and analytical capacity to make more effective data-driven service delivery decisions.South Portland, ME
2013The Opportunity Alliance$70,000To contract with Results Based Leadership for training and technical assistance to adopt a Results Based Accountability (RBA) based approach to providing services to the community.South Portland, ME
2013The University of Maine System$39,000To provide services to homebound seniors living in isolated areas and increase travel reimbursement rates for all companion volunteers.Orono, ME
2013United Way of Greater Portland$197,000To support increased participation in the CA$H (Creating Assets, Savings & Hope) Campaign sites, enroll families in a 529 savings initiative, and assist families in applying for the Next Gen and Harold Alfond college savings plans.Portland, ME
2013United Way of Greater Portland$78,750To support continued staffing and infrastructure support for Portland ConnectED, which focuses on improving grade level reading proficiency, high school graduation rates and post-secondary success.Portland, ME
2013United Way of Mid Coast Maine$200,000Three year grant to develop an integrated and collaborative system of home visiting programs in Brunswick, Harpswell and all towns in Sagadahoc and Lincoln Counties.Bath, ME
2013University of Maine System - New Ventures Maine$100,000A two year grant to implement a Rainy Day Savings Program which helps at-risk Maine people save for a financial emergency.Augusta, ME
2013University of Maine System - New Ventures Maine$310,000To support the CA$H coalition and Family Development Account Coalition.Augusta, ME
2013Western Maine Community Action$67,000To support the the Keeping Seniors Home Program, which helps Maine seniors age in place.East Wilton, ME
2013Wholesome Wave Foundation Charitable Ventures$25,000To support increased electronic benefit transfer (EBT) access and incentive programs at farmers’ markets statewide; and to build the capacity of the Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets to promote greater access to fresh fruits and vegetables for low-income families.Bridgeport, CT
2013Women Unlimited$160,000To support a data system that will track participant outcomes and current programming.Augusta, ME
2013Youth and Family Outreach$25,000To provide support for community based pre-K in partnership with Portland Public Schools.Portland, ME
2012Central Maine Community Health Corporation$248,000Two year grant to support Healthy Androscoggin's efforts to build the capacity needed to address high lead poisoning rates in children living in downtown Lewiston.Lewiston, ME
2012City of Portland$25,000To provide the Portland Free Clinic with general operating support and to develop a long term sustainability plan.Portland, ME
2012Crisis and Counseling Center$100,000To support a demonstration project intended to reduce recidivism rates among individuals in the Kennebec County Correctional Facility.Augusta, ME
2012Educate Maine$50,000To support the College and Career Pathways Program and for general operating expenses.Portland, ME
2012Foundation for Maine's Community Colleges$280,000A two year grant to enhance academic support services at Eastern Maine Community College.South Portland, ME
2012Green and Healthy Homes Initiative$49,000To provide technical assistance to Healthy Androscoggin and other stakeholders in Lewiston who are working to decrease elevated blood lead levels in that city.Baltimore, MD
2012Lydia Home Association$35,000To provide support for the Safe Families program that recruits and trains volunteer families within seven Maine counties to help care for children when parents are unable to do so.Whiting, ME
2012Maine After School Network$100,000To support Expanded Learning Opportunities through the Maine Afterschool Network and provide a match for a Mott Foundation grant.Augusta, ME
2012Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging$100,000To support planning and development work that promotes the safety, independence and well-being of older adults in Maine, especially those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged.Augusta, ME
2012Maine Development Foundation$10,000To fund an Early Childhood Economic Impact Research Study.Augusta, ME
2012Maine Development Foundation$100,000To conduct research to better understand the barriers that make it difficult for low-income working adults to successfully reconnect to college and complete degrees.Augusta, ME
2012Maine Development Foundation$100,000To support the Maine Employer's Initiative, which partners with employers and post-secondary institutions in Maine to reconnect incumbent workers who have some college experience but have not completed their degrees.Augusta, ME
2012Maine Equal Justice Partners$190,000To support advocacy organizations working on policy issues facing disadvantaged Maine residents.Augusta, ME
2012Northeast Hearing and Speech Center$85,000To support innovative new technology for use with iPads for children with communication and developmental disabilities.Portland, ME
2012Pine Tree Legal Assistance$175,000To support several legal services programs for low-income Maine residents.Portland, ME
2012Preble Street$1,000,000To support the purchase and renovation of the Lighthouse Shelter for homeless teens.Portland, ME
2012Sunrise County Economic Council$300,000A two year grant to support of the Community Technology Plan, which provides digital literacy education to residents and businesses in Washington County.Machias, ME
2012Sunrise Opportunities$75,000To provide general operating support for the Community Caring Collaborative.Machias, ME
2012The Iris Network$50,000To support the needs of visually impaired Maine seniors living independently at home.Portland, ME
2012The Opportunity Alliance$200,000To provide support for the mental health care needs of individuals in the Greater Portland area.South Portland, ME
2012Tree Street Youth$50,000To support Tree Street Youth which provides free academic and social services for children K-12 and their families in Lewiston.Lewiston, ME
2012Tri-County Mental Health Services$80,000To support a new treatment for clients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, mental illness and substance abuse.Lewiston, ME
2012United Way of Greater Portland$10,000To support the work of the Early Childhood Funders group.Portland, ME
2012United Way of Greater Portland$93,000To improve the quality of childcare programs and the planning work for Portland ConnectEd.Portland, ME
2012United Way of Greater Portland$71,274To support the United Way of Greater Portland's John T. Gorman Challenge Match program.Portland, ME
2012United Way of Greater Portland$75,000To fund the Portland Education Partnership's cradle to career initiative.Portland, ME
2012United Way of Greater Portland$10,000To support the 2012 Annual Campaign.Portland, ME
2012University System of New Hampshire - Carsey School of Public Policy$80,045To support research on low-income children, disconnected youth, single parents, and seniors.Durham, NH
2012Wholesome Wave Foundation Charitable Ventures$200,000To support a sustainable model for helping Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients access healthy food through farmers markets.Bridgeport, CT