According to the U.S. Census Bureaus 2018 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), about half of young parents (ages 15-22) lived with their spouse or unmarried partner. While 22.7 percent of young parents live with a spouse, 30.2 percent live with an unmarried partner and the other half report living with no spouse or partner present (47.1 percent). The author notes that this follows the larger trend among young adults to live with an unmarried partner rather than marry and/or to marry later (median age at first marriage is about 30). Two-in-five young parents live with one or both of their own parents, although this rises to three-in-five among young solo parents. Living arrangements also varied by sex, with young fathers less likely to live with any of their children than young mothers (56.5 percent compared to 85.6 percent). #housing