2025 Direct Services Grant Program Open Until March 24. Find out more.

McAuley Residence Challenge Grant

John T. Gorman Foundation issues a challenge grant to support the expansion of successful recovery program for families affected by substance use If you pick up the phone at McAuley Residence – a residential substance use recovery program serving women and their children – there’s a good chance that the caller will be inquiring about … Read more

Turning a well-child visit into a well-family visit

For the last three years, a Foundation-supported initiative at MaineHealth has used an innovative approach to strengthen the pediatric experience for families facing adversity. The Supporting Families Growing Together program promotes the healthy development of children by building the resiliency of the families around them. With continued funding from the John T. Gorman Foundation, it is now taking what it has learned over that time to expand and strengthen the program.

‘With this support, I know I can succeed’

Last June, Dorca, a woman from Angola seeking asylum, was living on the streets of Portland, pregnant and facing an uncertain future. Today, she and others with similar circumstances are safely housed at former convent Frances Warde, and thriving – thanks to a range of supports provided through a new Foundation-supported partnership between Northern Light Mercy Hospital and In Her Presence.

A Pediatric Visit that Strengthens the Whole Family

Traditionally, a well visit to the pediatrician’s office has involved weighing, measuring, booster shots, and questions about developmental milestones. But in recent years a cross-sector team at MaineHealth has worked to broaden the scope of these visits to include screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), repeated exposure to which can cause a child long-term harm. Now, with a grant from the John T. Gorman Foundation, the MaineHealth team is testing a new strategy for preventing and mitigating ACEs by helping parents and children build resiliency amid great adversity.